Babies making babies..

Let’s Be Truthful; A whole lot of brothers are extremely weak-minded , undisciplined and lack any form of structure in their life. So how can we expect them to be fathers to the babies that they help bring into this world? Why should we place that responsibility on them when we allow our little girls to become teenage mothers? Neither are ready for parenthood but hey, they’re just babies making babies so what’s the big deal, right?

Most men are driven by the force that is between their legs instead of the force that is between their ears. And then they are dumbfounded when they end up in family court for child support payments. Man that b—ch want me to pay child support, I ain’t got no money for that. Really!!!
Well I’m sorry brother, this is something that you should have given some serious thought to before you decided that you were going to slam that booty. Think!~!

So what happens now?  Well, you either get a job and take care of your child or like many others continue to dodge your responsibilities and go to jail for non-payment of child support. Which ever of the aforementioned you decide the child ends up on the short end of the stick. The child now has an absentee father and the relationship between the two of you becomes strained and most times non existent. Usually, the mother starts seeing someone else and that just gets you all fired up. Man, I don’t want no other man raising my child. Now it’s your child and all of a sudden you are concerned with who is in her life? Maybe you’re just more concerned with who the mother is humping now. Most men aren’t concerned with raising another mans child anyway. They just wanna piece of that ass also..You see the sad thing about all of this is that it could have easily been avoided. Now we have teenage girls walking around with multiple children before they reach twenty with multiple baby daddy’s.

Number one is to abstain. But you can’t do that because that ass is just looking to good and you just gotta hit it. (Weak minded men are always chasing after the kitty cat). If they would devote or commit just half of the energy working their brain towards something positive as they do trying to sweet talk their way into those panties, just maybe we would begin to see a slow upward trend out of this abyss of ignorance, decadence and immorality.

Number two, the responsible thing to have done is to use protection but no you just gotta feel that skin. Hey, I have been there so  I know it very well. Irresponsibility and a complete disregard for the consequences factor in when precautions are ignored. The mere fact that a child could be brought into this world which will need parents and require certain necessities does not enter the equation. There is something inherently wrong with this. To completely disregard the potential consequences of this act is a massive derelict in responsibility. Just think about this for a minute.

We brothers actually throw caution to the wind when we want to get into that kitty. Don’t get me wrong here because both parties are culpable in this behavior. Neither one takes a second to pause and discuss what the ramifications of this irresponsible behavior will yield. The action and lack there of both speak volumes toward the psyche and absence of thinking by the two individuals. Usually women have some reservations about engaging in sex without protection because they  understand what it can produce (baby or disease) however she allows herself to be manipulated into performing an act that she has some reservations about. Sometimes this is because she is pressured into doing so or forced. Other times the situation has reached such heights of feverish passion and lust that there is no turning back for either of them. But there is always the opportunity to stop and put the brakes on but we all know that this is something that rarely happens.

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We hardly ever take the time to plan responsibly. We have a propensity to act first and think later. 
How about taking a moment to contemplate just where we are? How did we get to this point where it is acceptable for young black women (whom have yet to finish school) become pregnant? The rate of pregnancy among black teenagers has declined but nevertheless it is twice that of whites and remains a challenging social issue.

These young men have no intentions whatsoever of being a responsible father or partner.. The young women know absolutely nothing about being mothers, Most of them have come from the same situation, so how can we expect them to be any different? This is a behavior that has been learned and permitted to perpetuate  within the black culture unabated. If we are to begin to make any upward progress we must change this behavior among our young and we must lead by example. This is one issue that we can address and also begin to change the narrative.. Think!

Each one, Reach one and Teach one. We gotta start or this will continue generation after generation..Written by; Al DeVeaux Jr, Africafifth Registered & Protected SFYG-LBAO-FDZL-ILQW

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