The Art of Religion

  Religion is defined as a particular system of faith and worship as well as
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or Gods ….


Humankind has always sought to have a relationship with a higher being or power and throughout millenniums has embarked on a never ending quest for an explanation regarding our existence in this world and the possible worlds below and beyond. Could there really be a divine presence that resides within us or is this feeling a connection to an energy that permeates throughout the universe or universes and galaxies in vibration and frequency? Is there a single source of consciousness and intelligence that all of creation descends from or are than many? Lastly, is religion the pathway to spiritual enlightenment and can it lead humankind to this inexplicable and presently elusive source of supreme power?

Allow me to share my thoughts and feelings regarding this.

I have always, as far back as I can remember felt a strong connection to a powerful source outside of my body, my mind and feeling my attention drawn to the firmament above. For some reason I had this strange feeling that I did not belong here and that this is not my place of origin.. But, here I am and the questions still remain unanswered as the uncertainty continues to cast a cloud of doubt within my mind.. How could a God of love, compassion and empathy create this world with such a vast pageantry of spectacular beauty and incredible wonder and yet at the same time be replete with wanton wickedness, hate, greed, violence and destruction? A world of predators and prey which has always been a real head scratcher for me.

My personal experience with the church and religion has always left me empty, confused and somewhat ambivalent regarding the presence of a benevolent God or any God. Attending church was demanded in our household and a scheduled ritual reserved for every Sunday. Folks coming in like trained animals to listen to the preacher deliver his prepared sermon based on scripture extracted from the words of so-called God in a so-called holy bible.. His intention was to impart to us the congregation his interpretation of a so-called God’s desire for his creation (humans). I say so-called only because there has never been any verifiable evidence presented to support such a claim other than the words written from the imaginative minds of men who we label as prophets or messengers of this so-called God from a period in time of tremendous superstitions. We still live in that time apparently!!

What mankind can not see nor explain with proof he has to imagine and speculate.. What other way does he have to explain our existence here other than to create an imaginary omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent supernatural being. that we can’t see, never have and never will!! Even though he is all powerful, all knowing and everywhere, apparently he needs man to write and speak for him. Well, now you can understand my confusion and doubt about this so-called God. There was a time when folks such as me were burned alive for harboring such thoughts as these.. Yes, Christians would actually commit such heinous and atrocious acts against another human being all in the name of religion and their so-called God. But thank GOD, times have changed!! Just a little humor,

Religion is extremely restrictive as it does not allow any person to explore the essence of who they are and entertain the possibility that there very well may not be a God or Gods. The denial of freedom of thought and expression basically confines an individual to a list of precepts and dogmatic principles ( doctrines relating to morals and faith, a set of beliefs that is passed down and never questioned). The church which is an extension of a massive religious propaganda machine brainwashes and mentally imprisons the people and will not allow for any free thought for fear of dissension and ultimate loss of power and control over those people.. During the Middle Ages the Roman Catholic church and it clerics all across Europe used religion and their positions as a method of mass exploitation where they would perpetuate the misuse and sale of indulgences. It had become completely corrupt which in turn led to the Reformation and the fragmenting of Catholicism which has lead to the many denominations that are present today.

So, how does the church through religion continue to keep a people mentally enslaved and under control? Well, that’s very simple, they prohibit the people from asking any questions that can not be explained with verifiable evidence or just plain old logic and reasoning.. They also continue to feed these folks mythical stories, superstitions and lies in order to maintain a constant degree of fear and outright ignorance.. Never allowing the people to challenge anything that leads to a contradiction of their system of beliefs and worship that operate within the framework of the church (Religious Dogma).

So, dogma is defined as a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. This means that it is not to be challenged. Never to be disputed, opposed or defeated and reigns as the supreme gospel spoken from the mouth of a so-called God and that there’s none other.. (INFALLIBLE) Now I ask you, who has laid this doctrine down? Man or God? Now if you tell me God, you know that I gotta ask you where is your verifiable evidence and don’t tell me that it is in the bible which as we know truthfully to be the handiwork of men.. Flesh and blood humans just like you and I…We also know that deep down inside our gut we have some suspicion as to the accuracy and authenticity of these stories..They may very well be the handiwork of a sinister and devious force that is misleading it’s followers about what really went down in this so-called Garden of Eden…

I want to put this question to you. Is it not a parents desire that the children whom they seed into this world surpass their achievements in this world? Is is not their responsibility to teach and instruct their children in the customs of their culture to instill high morals and values in order for them to have high standards. To provide them with nurturing so that they may go on to realize their dreams and pass onto their children the same. Doesn’t the child for the most part want and need the love and guidance of the parent?

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What parent would restrict their child from acquiring the knowledge that would help to prepare them for success and the world? In my opinion, the only parent that would place limitations of learning for any child is a parent that does not want that child to succeed and wants to have complete control of that child… A parent that wants that child to be solely dependent on him or her and to remain in a subservient capacity… This is a parent that doesn’t care to empower the child but wants to stagnate the spiritual and intellectual growth of the child so that the child is severely handicapped. Why would this be unless the parent is fearful of the child’s potential and how it may threaten that parents dominion.. With that said, who in the Bible would have the best interest in humans acquiring knowledge for success? The so-called Lord God or The so-called Serpent (Devil)? So if one is telling you that you can’t eat and the other is urging you to eat, well which one has your best interest at heart? You decide and don’t allow past dogma and teachings to influence your mind.. Just exercise a logical chain of reasoning because that is why we have it and religion would have suppress it..

So, therefore it is the intent of religions to corral the masses like little sheep and keep them ignorant and dependent on the institution of the church, it’s dogma and doctrine and so-called canonical scriptures. This way they can continue to exploit the masses through untruths, and filling their heads with superstitions and myths. Religions initial purpose was to enlighten the masses and lift them to a heightened level of spirituality and I guess bring them closer to their so-called God. Also, if the story of Jesus is true and he did exist, religion has strayed very far away from his teachings… So, it is my belief which is based on my experience, what I see and read that leads me to say that religion has ultimately failed miserably to bring human kind closer to spirituality let alone a supreme being..

The art of religion is to stroke the canvas of the minds with misrepresentation and deceit!

Just as a footnote: The bible which is presented to the world as the word of this so-called God, is comprised of (66) sixty-six books, written by (40) forty different authors over a period of (16) sixteen centuries from 1513 B.C.E. to 98 B.C. according to the book (Mankind’s Search for God) written by The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. That is over a span of 1500 years but could differ depending on the source so I doubt if it is accurate. However, regardless of the number of years, I do not (based on a chain of reasoning) think or believe that these books were dictated to this folks by a supreme being A.K.A.(SO-CALLED GOD).  

Now, Let’s Be Truthful, has religion brought you if you are religious or anyone that you know who is religious, closer to spiritual enlightenment or this so-called God? If so please share!!!!

Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts..

Written by Alton T. DeVeaux Jr. (Africafifth)



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