Hello and blessings to all. Let’s talk about the one thought I’m fairly certain that most of us at one time or another have had regardless of how long we may have been on this planet..and that is….
There just never seems to be enough allotted time and life as a lot of folks will say, is simply much too short. This is called brevity and we all can most definitely attest to its ups and downs which creates a perpetual ebb and flow of uncertainty and constant challenges which are vicissitudes.. Yeah, these are just two words out of many that most of us will never use or even know. However, these two words sort of sum up life’s mortality, unpredictability and all that encapsulates it.
If we take some time to reflect and conduct a little research we will most assuredly learn that almost all forms of life in this world has been subject to these words ( brevity and vicissitudes). They are very profound, poignant and are applicable to generation after generation after generation of human life and it’s evolution. Always have been and always will be which brings me to my next point of how ( in our desire and quest for advancement, wealth and power) we have ever so gradually moved away from simplicity into a realm of complication..
We have neglected what is most valuable in life and that is the preservation and caring for each other and all life…We are no longer concerned with the welfare of the community as we have allowed the foundation of this much needed entity to erode and damn near evaporate..We have transitioned far away from those basic customs that were a common practice of our timeless progenitors (ancient ancestors) and have become much too consumed with self-gratification and pretentiousness to name a few. We are prone to self-righteousness and hypocrisy, quick to ostracize others for their flaws and what we may define as transgressions and giving no acknowledgement to our own. (Premature judgement and condemnation)
We aspire for and hope to achieve false images of success and worthiness that are dictated from a hierarchy of rapaciousness and exploitation.. We have become blinded by the promise of deceivers and misled through their well orchestrated propaganda.. Some of us are able to eventually see through the smoke and mirrors while others continue to follow, but has it come too late?
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What monster are we fighting here and is it too formidable of an adversary to defeat? Well, this is where brevity and vicissitudes come into play..The monster is us and as we continue to feed it so does it continue to thrive and dominate our lives..Life is so short and we will experience various pitfalls and disappointments along the way, but by the time we figure it out, our time on this planet is just about up. So, we waste opportunity after opportunity to get it right, we complain while some never get the opportunities at all… We are profligate in our behavior on earth and the eviction notice will be served eventually. It’s only a matter of time which of course is something that we never have enough of.. Hence, we indulge ourselves in moments of retrospect and the one thought that always seems to be shared by many is ( if only I had known back then, what I know now), what a different life it would have been…. I have said this to myself over and over and I have asked myself (why did it take me so long to learn about myself, about others and about life)? WHY? To this day, I still don’t have an exact answer but I believe that my life was what it was in order for me to be where and who I am today. I learned that with the brevity and vicissitudes of life that time is of the essence and the trials and tribulations are necessary for internal growth and that expectations are never guaranteed..(There is however one exception and that is (We can expect time to expire for all of us)!!!
Let me close by saying;
Take the time to educate yourself, to learn about yourself and to learn about other people and to discover what is important to you in life. Don’t waste your life away procrastinating or engaging in wishful thinking.. Stop hoping for some miraculous act or divine intervention ..I urge you to get it done while you still have the time!!! The bottom line here is to follow your own heart and pursue your own dreams because life is much too short and unpredictable to follow those of others…
Do this before there are no more tick tocks on the clock… Time is of the essence!
Written by; Alton T. DeVeaux Jr (Africafifth)
HOTEP, morning my brother always a pleasure, I’d like to quote you from the passage,”I believe that my life was what it was in order for me to be where and who I am today. So profound and dead on point, I too have lived my life based on the same formula. In my sixty years I have never witness the type of society we live in. Straight disrespectful, selfish, reckless and ignorant attitudes of people today. Everyone has a verbal game in any situation that might come about. Lost times we in, so like you said keep moving and strving attaining your dreams. PEACE AND BLESSINGS
Absolutely Brother Al Lawrence
My brother, I just had a thought regarding your statement about lost times. I have a different take on it brother Al. Those times have past but I don’t know if they are lost. I feel that the times today are what they are intended to be in order for us to transition back to a time of respect, humility, honor, principles and values. These were once times of the ancients which had also passed only to be resurrected in another time.. It’s a perpetual cycle brother that will continue to loop until we either get it correct or we end up destroying each other and the planet once again. Peace and Many Blessings