
I find myself often times immersed in moments of introspective contemplation.. Where would I be in this life had it not been for the pioneers who from different walks of life (ethnic groups) helped to blaze the trail for freedom with much pain and immense sacrifice. So much has been given with so little recognition, appreciation or reciprocity for their efforts and accomplishments.

Humanity has benefited and made progress but still we are snared by a tsunami of greed, hypocrisy and a universally rigged system which binds us mentally, economically, socially and educationally. We are unable to realize how we have been manipulated into hating and fighting each other when our primary focus should be directed at those who created the color line and racism to begin with.

You see, white America doesn’t speak about nor teach her history of white slavery in colonial America prior to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The only slavery that we are familiar with are the African slaves. We haven’t been educated about the Irish slaves who were displaced from their lands, murdered by the British and sent to the sugar cane fields or other plantations throughout the West Indies. They speak not of the British underclass of men, women, children, vagrants, prostitutes, convicts who over populated their country and gallows.. Poverty, hunger, discontent, disease, unemployment, prostitution, murder, corruption and all manner of despicable and illicit behavior was rampant throughout their country. These unfortunate souls became too much of a burden for the English crown and therefore, became a prime target of exploitation by the elite and merchants.

Whom better to ship to a foreign land as a free labor work force other than these poor wretched souls? No one cared about them, they were uneducated and illiterate, they were expendable, they would not be missed (at least that is what they had hoped) and they were in abundant supply. These folks would be exploited for the sole purpose of working and building colonies as the merchants and their investors hoped to explore and prospect for untold riches..They were ill prepared for the harsh elements that they encountered and most would die off from pestilence, starvation and attacks from the indigenous people. The first attempts at establishing a colony had failed miserably and those that survived and weren’t cannibalized found themselves worse off than they were in Britain. Nevertheless the British were persistent in their endeavor to conquer this new land and its inhabitants….By any means necessary!!!!

These immigrants (British) were promised a better way of life in this new uncharted territory (America) only to be coerced into signing documents of indentured servitude for a period of several years that were never honored. They would become the first slaves in the Americas in which the majority suffered a hardship that surpassed the treatment of anything they had known before…. On the horizon was another species of humankind that were currently being exploited by the Spanish and Portuguese in the same manner. This other species of humankind would be introduced to the British. A species whose intellectual, physiological and physical makeup was different. They were by far superior and whose endurance would give them extreme tolerance for heat and long hours of toil. Eventually there would be no need for this fragile white skinned slave whose life expectancy was extremely short and maintenance to costly…So what is one to do? Freedom for whites and slavery for the Blacks…Hmm, we kinda know where it all went from there!!

We find ourselves caught up in a web of stifling emotions that range from discontent to outright rage and confusion. 

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What we often fail to realize is just how these poisonous attitudes and ideologies that we encounter today have a longstanding history dating back centuries ago. They have been developed and implemented to perfection into the human psyche. Grossly perpetrated upon the unsuspecting populace to the point where it permeates profusely in just about every fabric of our society and throughout the world. Let me be perfectly clear, this is no mere coincidence. This color line was designed to create a wedge between the class of poor whites and non-whites because the elite could ill afford to have both join forces to fight and mount a unified revolt against discrimination and the disparity that most experience. The same was true then and the same is true today…

It is the classes’ folks not the color but we have been so caught up with skin color and race that we have allowed ourselves to become side tracked. . We must understand the mindset of the elite, powerful and influential. Their main objective is to maintain all that they have nefariously conspired to attain at the suffering of the less fortunate. The primary concern here is to maintain the status quo, nothing more and nothing less. You and I are the underclass and if we continue to battle one another, we will always be just that…We have all been duped and it’s time that we recognize.. It’s all about the dollar and power and who has control of it…

One passing thought; Why do you think white slavery isn’t talked about? I’ll tell you why.

If they did then white folks would no longer feel superior knowing that they are actually the descendants of the first slaves in this country..

Written by: Alton T. DeVeaux Jr. ( Africafifth )

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