The greatest trick the devil performed was convincing the world that he didn’t exist. I heard this quote when I was watching a movie called The Usual Suspects and it had a resounding impact on my cerebral senses. I thought to myself, damn that is so profoundly true and even more so as it relates to Africans/Black folks freedom and slavery. I guess in today’s era that would probably equate to the white man convincing the world that racism does not exist or the African/ Black person being convinced that he or she is not a slave in one form or another.. Both have some degree of merit and ground to stand on however, I choose the latter.
We on the whole have never ever truly completely realized the sanctity of liberation.. That is to say that we have been perpetually bound to the white populace by design in some manner or another. It is almost as though without this virtual attachment one’s demise is imminent whereas the survival of both may be dependent upon it. We have always contended that we have been emancipated but at the end of the day we are just free to be manipulated and conform to a form of slavery that has been ingrained in the institution of racism in white society and implemented flawlessly with our assistance. We have always capitulated and never offered up a formidable resistance nor steadfast conviction to liberty or death..
Unwittingly or not we have been complicit in allowing ourselves to be inadvertently or overtly manipulated, cajoled, influenced or forced into a subjugated existence. Why is this? Some would venture to say that this phenom is a direct result of 400 years of the cruelest and most harsh treatment towards any human under the institution of slavery which I am inclined to accept to an extent. But you see there comes a point in time when one must come to ones senses and know that you are a human being that deserves better and will accept nothing less than equal treatment across the board for one’s self and all non-whites….Today we suffer from a mental slavery that has emaciated our people and all but thoroughly stagnated our progress.
Those of us who have realized enormous success and have assimilated into white society have nearly forgotten their roots and how the way for them had been paved through hard work and sacrifices from those Africans/Blacks that came before them. They have been lulled asleep by the glitter and illusions of success and have failed miserably to continue to carry the torch lit by so many great African/Black leaders and ordinary folk decades ago..How quickly they have forgotten…Yet they will complain and sulk about recognition not being bestowed upon them by the white populace as though they require stroking by them to feel relevant.
How shameful and disrespectfully arrogant of these sanitized Negroes to be so dismissive of their supporters, their admirers and their people. We who have the utmost reverence for them are offered no recognition or camaraderie. They stand not for the day-to-day struggle and causes of the African/Black underclass. They are hesitant lend themselves and their platforms to speak out about social injustices in an effort to galvanize the masses as one. By standing together we’d have the leverage necessary to impact a constructive social reconstruction that would be equally representative of all non-whites. These folks have become so far removed from the plight of those whose shoes they themselves once walked in because they now are rubbing shoulders with their white counterparts and they dare not risk their new-found fame!
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Thank you for your comment brother and I know exactly where you are coming from. Yes, most probably will take it as an attack and it is to an extent as well as an educational piece. There are times when the education becomes an a tool of aggression to wake folks the hell up out of their stupor.. Peace and Blessings
What I meant was an out of touch person would take it as an attack on them and time will tell if we wake up especially the yoUnger generation, they need serious help, PEACE
As always brother Al, you nail it on the head with your delivery, by the way I am Al too. Whenever I read your commentary it sets the wheels rolling in my head, you dissect us so thoroughly that out of touch probably see as an attack. Continue your powerful expressions and maybe tell will tell, PEACE