The Black Collective

Let’s Be Truthful;

We the Diaspora of dark-skinned people whose journey and fate was condemned to eternal damnation lament for the Black collective..  We are forever disconnected from the Motherland of Africa just as Africa herself is disconnected from us due to the incursion of a European race of rapacious parasitical vermin. A vandalous lot whose wanton destructive behavior desecrated, ravaged, and plundered her earth and sold her children into bondage far across the oceans which in effect condemned them to a life of horrific hell on earth for centuries. They would be forever changed and damaged with their identity lost and buried from a period of slavery.

There can never be one person, body or organization that can work for the greater interest of the Black collective. The Black collective is much too fragmented and compromised from within.. We are an assembly of many different black and brown people of the Diaspora who have different aspirations, hopes and dreams. We will always be a divided people unable to organize within the confines of this nation for there are insurmountable challenges and dynamics that prevent our solidarity. Both within and without as Marcus Garvey has spoken so eloquently about during his tenure as the president of UNIA in the early 1900’s. A clash of beliefs, ideas and egos between the NAACP and the UNIA  as well as white intervention during that period prevented the upward growth of the Black collective,..During that era of post reconstruction there existed a pervasive cloud of destructive contradictions in dynamics;

the forces or properties that stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process.”the dynamics of changing social relations

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as it pertained to the Black populace.  The prominent and highly venerated W.E.B. DuBois labeled Garvey as the most dangerous man to the Negro people.. Garvey in turn said of DuBois who heads that “Negro-hating organization known as the Association for the Advancement of “Colored” People are the greatest enemies the black people have in the world. One leader is Black as the night and one leader could pass for white…One advocates a repatriation to Africa, the other advocates the absorption into white society for those lighter skinned Negroes. .Hmmm.

The greatest and most highly acclaimed Black leaders couldn’t work in the best interest of the Black collective then and they sure as hell can’t do it now..

We’ve always hampered by Black intellectuals , activists, politicians, teachers,  preachers and proletariats ( ordinary working folks ) who are incapable of setting aside differences long enough to find common ground that would yield viable and constructive solutions.. We are a petty and egotistical people who are too self-absorbed, arrogant and morally challenged who consistently sabotage and demean one other. ie; coon, uncle tom, sell outs. We have developed a propensity for pretentiousness and have many conflicting perceptions of success for the Black populace. We suffer immensely from the perpetuity of internal and external degradation of our Blackness as well as always questioning the authentication of Black enough!!!

Look folks, there are different classes of black people, we are not all the same just because we wear the same colored skin. . What we do have in common is a shared history both past and present of enslavement, oppression, injustice and unequal rights as a Black collective in America. It defines and binds us to a degree but does not necessarily represent who we are completely.  We must acknowledge and respect one another because of that and in the same respect acknowledge our individualism and uniqueness’s…Now if we could just set our differences aside and work for a common good, that would be beautiful..However…

We have adapted the ways of our European oppressors and are unable to separate ourselves from who they want us to be as opposed to who we were born to be. Lacking the knowledge of our history and personal identity we are always struggling for our place in society and the world…Please understand that anything that has been suppressed and controlled by a dominant force over an extended period of time will eventually  take on or mimic some of the characteristics of that force. ie;Hybrid

We aspire to achieve individual accomplishments, success and stature for the acquisition of  meaningless trinkets. We strive to distance ourselves from those of the lesser black class in order assimilate into the accomplished and successful Black and white populace. We bask in the intoxicating euphoria of recognition from our white counterparts and peers. We swim in the ocean of  virtue and bathe in the showers of reverence.  We are conflicted and confused and we will forever be quarrelsome among one another. We fail to understand that we are all black in skin but don’t  necessarily embrace the same principles, ideals, standards and aspirations . In every society and ethnic group a hierarchy will always exist. History substantiates that as a prerequisite for any governing body in a civilization.. We of the Black populace are ignorant of this and expect that all will and should be granted the same. Not happening!!!

Unless there is a huge paradigm shift within the Black populace that brings forth solidarity which in turn elevates the Black collective it will remain business as usual…   The dominant species will always oppress the weaker one and there will always be an underclass no matter the color of skin. It is the law of nature or just the nature of the beast regardless of how contentious it may sound. We will always yearn for better than what we have,,, Question is can we achieve it collectively? Others have but I have my doubts about us…..

The show will play out on center stage and everyone will play a role no matter how significant or insignificant. But what about the Black collective you ask?

 “The leadership of the past has been a leadership more destructive than constructive—a leadership that misrepresented the true desires, the true hopes of this struggling race of ours.”   Garvey, Marcus 

When the day dawns where the sun rises on a colorblind world, the day’s sun will set in that world and class-ism will still exist.. The Black Collective is non-existent…It always has been and always will be about class…Color is just a means of lumping us all together…Be about that knowledge and be about that change….

Written by; Al DeVeaux Jr. Africafifth Registered & Protected GGXI-LPBQ-P4AC-MUYT

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