Indoctrination of White Supremacy

The success and dominance of the European (so-called whites) over the centuries has generally been attributed to the oppression of other races and precision systematic planning. The attempted eradication of the Native American coupled with the controlled institutionalized enslavement of the Africans has provided them with enormous wealth and has elevated them to various levels of power and dominance which as of today has yet to be challenged.
In this land of the Americas the European (so-called white) has constructed through carefully devised schemes of deviousness, deception, manipulation, and corruption, a completely thorough unchallenged realm of supremacy and dominance. The Native American through countless wars, dishonored and broken treaties has been relegated to reservations where they are now virtually irrelevant. The African-American like the Native American had also endured years of suffrage but from a different yet more extreme effective method. The African had been forcibly condemned to an existence of forced subjugation and subjected to the most heinous and cruel forms of punishment known to mankind. Africans had been forcibly confined to an existence of total deprivation which was void of any human rights or qualities.
The African’s status as a human being was completely stripped away and we were condemned to a standard that was lower than an animal to allow for the possession of us as property.  The thought of not reducing that status would conflict with the moral and religious beliefs set forth and embraced by the Christian colonials. So henceforth the decision was embraced and adopted to label Africans as sub-humans in an order to ease the quilt of conscious and moral judgment in the European (so-called whites). This opened the door for an unchallenged institution of slavery and provided the European (so-called whites) with an infinite source of non-resistant slave laborers.
We know all too well that the Europeans (so-called whites) had no problem compromising their morals, principles, and religious beliefs for the sake of enormous wealth and power. This can be no more evident than when England enslaved their very own country’s men and women and children to provide an uncompensated labor force for the cash crop industry they were investing in and building in early Americas colonization.

So henceforth with the indoctrination and acceptance of slavery and the opportunity for enormous wealth at their feet they constructed the foundation  for complete dominance, power and wealth…There would not be much of a resistance or immediate challenge to this system of enslavement because of the enormous demand of the industrial revolution in America and for the nations whom profited from it….In addition the Europeans ( so-called whites ) were notorious for stealing ideas and the inventions of slaves in order to market them as their own and reap all the profits.
So I guess we can to some degree understand why the Black man today has difficulty competing in this European( so-called white ) dominated world. We can attribute some of this malignancy to the insidious effects of a system that was designed to oppress rather than assist. We should also be somewhat accepting of the fact that quite possibly there may be some residual damage passed on through generations of post-slavery suffrage.
If we were to just take a moment to try to envision what the landscape of America must have looked like with the sudden and unprepared liberation of 3 million ( 3,000,000 ) plus slaves. Keep in mind that this is the period of post civil war where the attitudes of many were not very ingratiating of our dark-skinned ancestors. What was America to do with them and what were they to do with themselves now that the day they have  yearned for had finally come. Yes this day they would no longer be a people held in bondage and forced to perform over bearing and grueling work for another people. As of this day they would no longer have the threat of an overseers whip lashing across their backs and cutting away through layer after layer of human flesh. Nor would they for the moment have to fear the hangman’s noose around their necks for insubordination or for fleeing for their freedom.
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Granted not all newly freedmen fell into this category however, for the majority of them this was indeed their situation. They would be a lost and disoriented people void of any real direction. Consequently this left many of them in serious precarious situations. They were unemployed, homeless, and hungry and naturally would resort to whatever means necessary to feed, cloth and shelter themselves. Here is where a large population of people becomes destitute and completely dependent on a system to take care of them. This freedom was not in essence an absolute freedom because this freedman would still have to rely on the very same people who had initially enslaved them. Many would to depend on their former en-slavers while others ( and not very many) were fortunate enough to acquire land through the Freedman’s Act and eventually were able to own it outright. But for the majority of the former slaves the outcome was much grimmer. These African farmers worked their land but still were at the mercy of the merchants and bankers. Most would end up losing their land due to the inflated costs for goods that they were charged for or otherwise just cheated out of. The African-American not being an educated man had no other alternative but to agree to whatever terms were offered to him. This usually meant that he would always be at a disadvantage and could never see his way clear to pay off his debtors and make a profit. No matter how hard he toiled over his land to bring his crop to market, the so-called whites would always devise a scheme to defraud him. Often times he would be under paid for his crop and he dared not question the merchant for fear of his life. Most of these former slaves found themselves in a perpetuity of insurmountable debt and would eventually lose the land.
The new land owners would then offer the former slaves the opportunity to rent the land (known as tenancy) work it and harvest the crop while living on the land.
To be continued… Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> W8BO-HUZ5-DJRL-G0FY

Written by Africafifth


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