Welcome once again. It has been awhile between posts, so I hope that this topic will make up for the lapse in time. Now, as the title says, Let’s be truthful so I will open by saying; I’m sure that I am not the only person that is perplexed by our existence on this planet.
Someone or something is responsible for our existence here and who or what that may be is far beyond my realm of knowledge. However, I do firmly believe that it is not by some mere happenstance. Growing up I had been taught and conditioned to believe that my existence here could be attributed to a God figure and of course this so-called God figure was a white man with long flowing white hair and beard.. Over the course of time that perception changed and I had denounced this so-called God and had become an non-believer. I just couldn’t fathom a so-called loving God would allow his children (creation) to experience so much horror and suffering in a world dominated by whites….Why would this so-called God show them favor and appear to exclude darker skinned humans? As time went by and I learned more and more about man’s history on earth, I came to realize that all of human kind has suffered and experienced unthinkable horrors at the hands of other humans. Most importantly, that it is man who is the purveyor of wickedness, terror. mayhem, torture and many other types of atrocities and sometimes, occasional acts of kindness, empathy and compassion.
Now with that said, what are the chances of us actually being a species that is the by-product of genetic engineering and or manipulation?