Category Archives: Philosophy

The Better Version of Humanity

This societal world or civilization that we live in today is a construct that has been created from the imagination of man which produces an image of the reality that we desire. In this world that has been created by man through his imagination, we have the ability to either be the better or worse version of ourselves.

There is no doubt that the vast majority of us especially those that occupy powerful and influential positions lean more towards the worst version of ourselves. With all the potential and opportunity that we have to be the better version of ourselves and we don’t, the question that I am going to ask is, WHY? 

Well simply put, the avaricious and self indulgent nature of mankind as well as our insatiable appetite for power, wealth, dominance and control has lead us down the path of inumerable  and unwarranted violent incursions, endless wars and conflicts. We seem to feed off of the violence, pain and suffering that we so easily inflict upon the weak, poor, uneducated, sick, and defenseless people. Our history is replete with some of the most horrific atrocities and acts of brutal inhumane treatment and indifference towards our fellow human beings.

Imagine if you will a world absent of wars, hate, suffering, violence, poverty, injustice, famine, aggression and discrimination just to name a few. Is such an idyllic world with this reality attainable? Well, I am of the mindset that it can be for it has also been said that if a thing can be imagined in the mind then it can be very much realized and achieved and thus becoming a reality. Hence the reality that we experience today.

Sustainability is another question altogether!!

So, what exactly is reality? How does reality exist and how is it experienced? 

The reality that we live in is an extension of human consciousness which fundamentally means that it is as I have said earlier in this post (a human construct). Everything that we experience is a result of our consciousness and actions which in turn (knowingly or unknowingly) create this reality that the majority of us have consented to and experience  through our sensory perception. Now you may ask how have we consented to this construct?

Allow me to explain and it is quite simple. Basically as a conscientious collective we have not objected to or made any bonafide or concerted effort to change the reality that we live in. For the most part we have unanimously accepted this world as it is and how it is being shaped every moment of our lives right in front of our eyes. I guess we just feel as though there is nothing that we can really do about it or either we don’t give it that much thought both collectively and as individuals. I mean hey, who is actually going to sit down and ponder why the world is so out of whack and consider what they can honestly do that will have a meaningful impact  to change it?

Well there may just be a few who do actually ponder this and I actually being one of them!

This world is a product of our imagination and creativity. Nothing more and nothing less! All that we experience is a by product of our beliefs and how those beliefs are formed and acted upon which in turn produces the societal world that we inhabit and refer to as our reality.

(A few notable intellects, biophysicists and philosophical minded folks might disagree and say otherwise such as reality is just an illusion).

Now, with that being said I think that we can fundamentally agree that we do shape the so-called reality that we experience and therefore are very much capable of reshaping it! All it would require is for us to collectively be the better version of ourselves.  Right?

Why is it that love, respect, consideration, compassion and empathy for our fellow human beings such a difficult reality for us? On a broad scale, in our society as we know it today, these behavior traits aren’t that popular on a daily basis but let there be a catastrophe, some disaster or horrific event and man folks just start oozing with the better version of humanity or when someone has a hidden agenda..

For the most part we just seem to promote and gravitate towards that which is most destructive and detrimental to our survival and well being. Mankind has always been on a collision course towards self destruction and is seemingly unable or unwilling (for whatever reasons) to change directions.

Apparently this is who we are and what we have elected to be which is definitely the worst version of ourselves. Whenever there has been an attempt to change course the worst version of ourselves rises up and has always pushed back and suppressed the better version of ourselves for whatever reasons.

Is a state of Peace and Harmony such a difficult thing to achieve and live with?  History has shown us that they are difficult to achieve and maintain but it is doable. Any garden of flowers has to be attended to on a regular basis for it to maintain it’s beauty otherwise the weeds will eventually overtake it..  Now with that said, there are a lot of beautiful gardens in this world just as there are beautiful caring people and I do recognize that. However, there just aren’t enough of us to fight off the aggressive nature of the weeds!

So, for the moment ( and that’s what life is, a series of moments), this better version of humanity will continue to remain shut up in the closet of wishful thinking and never see the light of day until we, as conscientious and courageous human beings collectively decide to turn the knob and present it to the world as a very well maintained and beautiful diverse garden .

The mind is the creator of all madness and the ego the instigator of all conflicts.

Written by Alton T. DeVeaux Jr


Ahh, the multitude of obstacles or challenges that one has to confront in life… Personally I have had my share and for some reason I find myself still confronted with them on occasion to this very day… I figure that for me, there is a place that I must ascend to in this world in order for me to overcome these things so that I may achieve a higher understanding of myself , other people  and possibly the world.. For me it is the only way or path that will hopefully lead to my inner peace… Continue reading UNSEEN GUIDANCE

What is Sin?

Welcome to my space where I share my thoughts and views and it is my hope that you will do the same.. Here you are free to express yourself  as you please without the threat of ostracism or criticism from me. It is incumbent upon us as humans to engage in meaningful dialogue with the hopes of gaining a better understanding of each other, ourselves and the world that we live in…

I want to challenge folks to think outside of what they have been taught and to look within themselves and conduct an honest self-evaluation in order to seek truth..We all have been mind washed and conditioned to slide into a prearranged or preformed concept  layed out by others.. I’m here to let you know that you can form your own perspective from your natural sense and intuition and that you are not what you have been told you are. As a matter of fact, we are undeniably more. We are all invaluable extensions of a higher source that requires connectivity that will enable us to become much more enlightened and relevant beings.. We can be the conduit through which this source will guide our minds and hearts with understanding, wisdom, knowledge and clarity…I sincerely believe that for us to achieve this we must rid ourselves of the shackles that bind us to mankind’s false doctrines of religions and faith and creation theories..

So my question is; What Is Sin?  

Continue reading What is Sin?

Black Potatoes

Everyone knows what black potatoes are. At least I think everyone does. But just in case you don’t have any idea what they are, allow me to enlighten you. First of all I don’t want you to confuse black potatoes with plain old rotten potatoes. There is a significant difference between the two. A black potatoe unlike a rotten potatoe is salvageable whereas a rotten potato is just not good at all for consumption or anything else for that matter. If you have a rotten potato you might as well just toss it in the garbage. You can try and cook it if you want and take a chance, but I would advise you not to because it will only make you sick. Rotten potatoes are very noticeable and have a pungent odor whereas the black potato for all intents and purposes appears to be alright at first glance.
These potatoes are those damaged vegetables that one might find in a bundle that aren’t immediately noticeable until the skin is taken off. You see these potatoes have no visible signs of abnormalities but because they have suffered some damage from mishandling and neglect, they become bruised below the surface. It is not uncommon for some of that damage to penetrate a little deeper into the inner portion of these potatoes. Hmm, pretty much sounds just like a lot of people that we have crossed paths with from time to time, wouldn’t you say?

So what are our options with these potatoes? More often than not we will attempt to salvage as much of it as we possibly can because it wouldn’t make much sense tossing them into the garbage. I have had many potatoes that were damaged and I was able to utilize the majority of it for my meal. I figure why toss out the entire potato just because it has a few areas that have been slightly damaged. I have also had those that no matter how much I’d try, the damage was just to severe and I’d end up cutting away most of the potato away trying to get rid of those black spots.
But that’s not necessarily a bad thing because at least we’re able to get some use out of it since we did spend our money for it. It’s sort of similar to the investment that we have made in some folks who may have some damage to them from some unfortunate experience. We aren’t just ready to immediately kick them to the curb, so we attempt to help and try to save the better part of them because we can see it in them.. But if most of the potatoes in the bag are damaged you’d probably want to take it back to the grocer to exchange it for another one or get your money back.

Well we just aren’t able to do that with people because there is no exchange program. There are a lot of people in this world who are just like those black potatoes and just get tossed aside. Most of these people are salvageable if we can get to them in time but then there are those that no matter how much you may try to cut away the damage, it is just to severe to save. By the time you get finished slicing and dicing you may only have a little piece that just isn’t worth it.  SO WHY EVEN BOTHER, RIGHT? Well some people may feel differently and say that a little piece of good is better than none at all. That may be true but how much has to be sacrificed to get to that one little piece? Most of times much more than we care to, so I guess we have to make a decision as to which potato is worth saving and which isn’t. Whatever the case may be we won’t really know until we begin to look beneath the surface. Then we can probably determine how much good the  person just like the potato has left in and if it is worth the effort to try to salvage it?
Black potatoes just like damaged people can be found in every ethnic group and almost every region of the earth. With every harvest of potatoes just as with every generation of people there are high expectations of a good crop with the understanding that quite a few will suffer some damage through mishandling or by other means . It is an inevitable and inescapable phenomenon whose recurrence is undeniable.
I myself was at one time in my life a black potatoe that had quite a few damaged spots. I had reached a point in my life where I just didn’t feel that I was of any use. Fortunately for me I had reached out to some people who were willing to invest the necessary time and effort to salvage my life. The process was a lengthy one but with patience on their part and a willingness by me to work on my problems we were able to produce a good product. To this very day I can still remember how much I had been damaged and what it has taken for me to work through it and become the person that I was born to be.. There aren’t any signs of damage on the surface but the memories are embedded deep within and serve as constant reflection of a time when I was once a potato with black potatoe. 
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Written by: Al De Veaux Jr. Registered & Protected<br /><br /> RVMM-LY4M-1HPP-GTMA

Bamboozeled Part 2

We today have  a large percentage of our brothers and sisters who are  unproductive and aspiring to be something that is elusive.  We find them chasing after an elusive life which emulates false images of fame and stardom. We witness them embracing a lifestyle that is rife with violence, no sense of direction, no education, no self-identity, no self-esteem, or self-confidence. These people are the sheep who have strayed away from the flock and have fallen victim to false prophets and salivating predators that use them for their own self gain. Most individuals lack any concept of what real success is and how it can be attained. Consequently what they decide to chase after is fleeting and non-substantive( importance or value). Is it because we still are riffed with a self-imposed slavery mentality or a self defeatist attitude?

Are we to afraid of pursuing an education or some legitimate skill set that would allow us to assimilate into the world of responsibility and productivity?  By our lack of desire to ascend to greater heights we are relegated to a position where others dictate what we can and can not do. Where we can and can not live. What schools our children can and can not attend. We have relinquished any form of control to the whim of the white man. I must reiterate that we have allowed ourselves to unknowingly be subdued and brainwashed and have lapsed into a more advanced and modern-day form of slavery. We believe ourselves to be in control but we are actually not. We are completely insentient and do not realize it.
We tell ourselves that to have a command of the English language is to speak like a white person. To be be an educated person and want to have access to the finer things in life is to emulate white people. We continuously say that we don’t want to be like white people. Yet every day I see black men and women emulating the very people that they proclaim not to want to be anything like. I see sisters with breast implants, an assortment of different colored wigs and weaves that they wag back and forth like some attention seeking white girl. They’re inserting  blue, green and hazel colored contacts or having their pupils injected with color altering chemicals  and bleaching their skin. What the heck is that all about if not someone who is in denial, full of self-hatred and doesn’t know who they really are?
This also applies to brothers with the tattoos depicting the thug life and riding around in cars that have been blinged out with accessories that usually cost more than the car is worth. When some of them open their mouths to speak I need sub titles to understand what the heck they’re saying. The style of dress is to  wear pants down and low exposing buttocks for all to see and the accessories of the day are gold covered teeth ( referred to as a grill ). This is absolutely pitiful and yet it is embraced, accepted and glamorized.
You have been dining on and digesting a constant diet of  B.S. and either you are too stupid to realize it or  you have no other aspirations in life so this is what is embraced.  This is the flavor of success your palate has acquired a taste for .  You want to sample being a rapper or maybe a thug and live a gangster lifestyle.  Definitely the wrong selection on the menu!!! Here are just a couple of examples used in the industry to “BAMBOOZLE” the unsuspecting prey.

Example; Rappers on video proclaiming to be thugs and gangsters drinking booze and waving around assault weapons and handguns. ie: white gangsters and thugs from the 1920’s to 1960’s who robbed and killed each other indiscriminately for territory and control over illegitimate enterprises. They also did not have any regard for a human life..
Example: P Diddy and fellow rappers on video sporting a white robe, slippers and cigar in hand occupying a high end hotel room.
Example: P Diddy in commercial promoting Cirock accompanied by some actors better known for their mob roles along with beautiful long-legged women and other well dressed people. Boarding a private jet and flying out to Vegas and seen traversing through an extravagant palatial hotel or casino, dancing with beautiful women and toasting the high life!!!!! Yeah, we should all aspire for that lifestyle. I understand the marketing concept and the promotion of your product but there is also a message that is being sent that is not conducive or in step with the plight of most ordinary African-American people. It is a self promoting commercial to get you to buy into the false imagery of what your life could be like if you would only buy and drink Cirock. They are selling you on the glamorous life of Las Vegas, private jets, pretty women, partying and expensive hotel accommodations. Oh and let’s not forget the alcohol to which  African-Americans spend over 400 million dollars annually to consume. This is a lifestyle that most people will never acquire in their lifetime and if they do they’ll just end up pissing it away.
This does not begin nor end with P Diddy but is a poison that has been perpetuated by him and others in that arena.
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The record labels recognized a prime opportunity to make an enormous amount of cash by grabbing these rappers to write and deliver these lyrics of hate, disrespect and violence and selling it to you.
They are trick ‘in you people by selling you on a lifestyle that most of them only write lyrics about and do not live. You buy into it because you are easily BAMBOOZLED.  You lack the ability to discern between what is genuine and what isn’t. What is reasonably achievable and what isn’t. I’m not for one minute suggesting that you don’t aim high but it is what you’re aiming high for that matters. I do not have an issue with someone expressing what they are experiencing however there must be some accountability. We have to take responsibility for what we are saying and how that is received by others. The platform was a great one that could have been utilized to raise the awareness level and empower the masses but it got turned into a pimp machine…

As long as we continue to pursue these types of misguided dreams and lifestyles, great and meaningful achievements will never happen. End of Story!

Written by: Al DeVeaux Jr. Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> UONJ-OY44-WBQF-ZNGI