Category Archives: Empowerment
Stand Up and Fight or Sit Down and Shut The Hell Up
Most of us have been conditioned for servility and docility and made to feel inadequate, inferior and different. The spirits of our ancestors have suffered a virtual castration to the point where they had developed a coping mechanism for the oppressive and wicked traits and behavior of the white man which has been passed down through generations. It has had an indelible impact on the psyche of the majority our people..
Why is it that we are the people who must always adjust our behavior and project cautiousness in order to make the so-called white folks feel comfortable around us?
Why is it we that must continue to speak to our young black men about being careful how they interact, respond or react to law enforcement so as not to spook them into shooting them down in cold blood like some predatorial beast?
What kind of BS is that, when we have to always capitulate and be apologetic because of the paranoid and bigoted mentality of so-called white people? Have we become that afraid to stand up and speak up and demand that the adjustment needs to be made on the other side? If the shoe fits, well!!!
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A Rude Awakening
There are those who continuously allow themselves to be misinformed and misled.. Always being guided by the reins and fed at the trough on a steady and bountiful diet of lies and deception. A constant stream and barrage of misinformation intended to cloud our vision and control our minds. Believe me, it is being carried out every single day and waking hour, minute and second. Few of us ever step up and take the time to challenge the information and the source so therefore we are at the mercy of the propaganda machine.. The world is gearing up for a major overhaul and if we aren’t careful, we as African/Black folks will be in a world of hurt as well as a lot of other poor ignorant misguided folks on this planet!!
This article (Awakening To A Stark Reality) written by a white man Max Keller activist, is a wake-up call for all people but more importantly, black people. If we as the dark-skinned folks on this planet don’t get our s–t together soon, our state of existence will be an extremely perilous one..If we think that the atmosphere is rife with racial tension, hostility (directed towards us) and hardships now, we are definitely in for a rude awakening..
We’d better get up off of our behinds and get busy with the overdue process of educating ourselves and reshaping the way we think and act in order to build a structure of power and relevance. The urgency of this matter can not be overstated….The white world is a construct of universal rule and that of a self-preservation mentality and they will use whatever means necessary to maintain it… Are you getting the picture?
We desperately need to adopt that same mentality or before you know it we’ll be confronted with more than just a stark reality folks.. We will be witnessing the beginning of our demise.. Challenge the information, challenge the source and challenge your minds…Break away and become a free thinker!!!
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Written by: Alton T. DeVeaux Jr. (Africafifth)
Photo from Awakening To A Stark Reality: Max Keller
One Adam and Eve or Many Others
Struggle or Mission
I sat down recently after my last post and thought to myself. Man, why are we as African/Black American folk always referring to our situation as a struggle? I mean if most of life is connected to perception and we label our endeavor for equality as a struggle or some plight, haven’t we set ourselves up to fail? Does this not create a negative feedback loop that will set in motion the wheels of discontent when ever and where ever we are confronted with adversity? Does it not set the tone for us? I believe that it does……
What if folks were to approach this as a mission to be achieved with a different set of lenses would we not shift the toggle switch of perception in our brains towards a fighting mod? Is it possible that there would be a greater motivation to get it done no matter what….We know how much a simple word can dramatically impact a person’s psyche and make the difference between positive and negative (to do or not to do)…So, doesn’t the word struggle suggests a continuous fight with something that is becoming strenuous and burdensome?
We often talk about how the struggle continues and it is never-ending. I believe this in and of itself weighs a person down tremendously and gives one cause to become not interested in the task that lies ahead. Whereas the word mission or goal creates a desire to achieve and complete the task at hand. It denotes a more worthy cause for fight..
I know some may say that it is simple semantics and just a play on words, but isn’t everything we listen to and read just a play on words? It’s just the manner or context in which it is presented and understood that elicits a desired response..A mission appears to add the connotation of something admirable while struggle applies to an effort to hard and arduous and leads to a great exertion of energy. I guess it all depends on ones perception, struggle or mission and how they approach it…. Just some food for thought..
To say that something is a struggle allows us to approach it with a great deal of reluctance and effort? Procrastination..
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To say something is my mission or goal attaches a greater sense of urgency to it.. Motivation for success..
Either way it sets the tone of mentality and applies to almost anything we attempt to do in life…
A Struggle or Mission
Written by; Alton T. DeVeaux Jr. (Africafifth)
Same Ocean, Different Pools of Water
Let’s Be Truthful;
We are all born in the same ocean of humanity but swimming in different pools of water.. There are those who aspire to achieve great things and those who are content with mediocrity. All of us have different dreams and aspirations, different goals, wants , needs and different perceptions of how we view the world as well as each other. We are immersed in an ocean of differences and variables that play an active role in what transpires in our lives. There are those of us who are born in a life raft, those who manage to swim to another body of water and some who need a hand getting there…Unfortunately a large majority of us are just threading water while those who aren’t able to do either one, just simply give up and look for someone to help keep them afloat or just end up drowning.
Henceforth a fundamental disparity exists among most folks of the Black Diaspora and the rest of humanity for that matter. Everybody is not able to swim out of the ocean and some are only able to go so far. Everyone does not make it to the safe pools and some will just sink to the bottom. Another way to look at this is to view life is like a ladder,; you have the bottom rung, the top rung and the rungs in between. Now, the question is which rung can you climb to and which rung are you willing to settle on? If you fail to put forth the effort, how in the world can you expect to move? You gotta climb baby, you gotta climb. Everybody is not making it to the top man, it just ain’t happening. . Some will get a little frustrated and need a hand and some will just plain give up.. That’s just about it in a nutshell. It just doesn’t get much simpler than that folks. It ain’t rocket science man!
Listen up; Folks want to have it good but don’t want to do what it takes to have it good. Good don’t come free and once you get it you got to do what it takes to keep it…All they have is just a lot of lip service..That’s it!!
I get folks approaching me from time to time and talking about Man, you sure got it good. Well hell yeah, but it sure wasn’t always like this. That’s for damn sure.. They’re only seeing the finished product but what they didn’t see was how hard I had to work my ass off to get here. All people see are the trimmings of modest success and never factor in what it entails to get there. Now we got some will attempt to hinder your progress but you gotta keep swimming. They’ll try to grab a hold onto you but you just gotta kick their asses away….I wrote about saboteurs in another piece and these are the folks that want to stop you from making something of yourself. A lot of folks don’t want you to make it because it is a constant reminder of their lack of progress. ….THE HATERS!!!
But the person that really does the most damage is the person who never challenges themselves or the status quo. This person has a self defeatist mentality and attitude and has brain shackled themselves. Yeah that’s right, we can most often times be our own worst enemy!!! All I got to say is what folks had always told me when I was crying that same old bs. Either s–t or get off the pot..
It’s an ocean baby so you either sink or you swim!! Hell yeah it’s rough, it’s hard man, but it is what it is but it doesn’t mean that it always has to remain so..Man you gotta look inside and find that warrior, that fighting spirit that is within you if you want something meaningful out of life. You gotta get on with the mission man..My auntie Liz said to me once (boy, there ain’t no pie in the sky and you weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth). Duhh…Well I had no idea what the heck she was talking about at the time ( wish I did) because it sure would have alleviated a lot of pain, disappointments and bad decisions. But hey, I eventually got it and knew that I had to swim those waters or climb that ladder. I believe that I am a much better person for the experience..We live and we learn…Hopefully we get it a lot earlier. Same Ocean, Different Pools of Water…
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