Category Archives: Poetic Literature

A Time For Love

In today’s day and age we have as the human race undoubtedly become overwhelmingly consumed  with matters of no consequence.  We exhaust an endless river of surging energy into areas that yield fleeting gratification. It bears absolutely no significant amount of tangible fruit for which we can feel the utmost exuberance for. We have become incredibly shallow and pitifully absorbed in self-indulgence and promotion.  Depravity is our closest ally and disdain towards another has become the song of deep-seated vitriol.

A mist of separation and individualism envelopes and hovers over our consciousness while skepticism blankets across the horizon of our nature. Who are we and what has become of the empathy of heart. The course we navigate with recklessness weaves in and out through the vestibules of cynicism, prejudices and alienation which broaden the valley between us. The divide has become ever increasingly wider while a few hastily gather to shout and protest with fervor of want and desperate need on deaf ears of power and control. Our total disregard for the sanctity and value of this planet and all that  inhabits it invokes an indelible image of perilous consequence.

The regions are rife with violence, murder, genocide, displacement of human life , natural disasters, global warming, failing economies, acts of cruel and unusual torture, homelessness and hunger just to name a few and yet we conduct business as usual. This is as if to suggest that all is well and right with the world on center stage as the show plays out to the whimsically and thoughtlessness of its audience. Ah, the puppeteers will forever continue to produce this gala of entertainment for the abundance of puppets will almost certainly guarantee a long running event. The producers and directors will assure us of  this not only because of their rapacious and nefarious nature but also due to their utter lack of principles and total disregard for morality and human life.

We have time for deception of heart. We have time for criticism of genuine effort. We have time for vociferation of displeasure, disdain and disgust. We have time for self-indulgence at the expense of others. We have time to vituperate towards presumed loved ones. We have time to bathe in the waters of self-righteousness and scent ourselves in the perfume of decency. We find assurance in temporary moments of exultation while our deviousness scratches away at the manufactured fabric of virtue and ideologies.  Hypocrisy leads to ignominy of our society as we plunge deeper into denial . No matters of urgency strike purpose to those who are impervious of a critically pernicious climate. The vicissitudes are never-ending and compels one to seek that place of balance..

Here I am all and all here is me.

My spirit beckons for a time of solace. My heart yearns for a time of tenderness, compassion and empathy. My soul cries out for a time of reconciliation. My emotions seek a time of understanding…A time for love.

My emptiness within harkens to the song bird to sing a melody of comfort. My darkness reaches for the angel of mercy to shed light and bring comfort to ones place of unrest.  My cries are ushered forward at the Gods of creation for uplifting of spirit and to bestow a calmness over my troubled waters. A time for love.

My heart aches and begs for the deliverance of joy. My beaten body is in need of a gentle touch of hands. A massage of soothing bliss to dissipate the stress of loins and confusion of mind. A chariot of goodness to carry me away into the night from the wailing of pain and disappointment.  A time for love.

My desires remain silent in need of fulfillment. My expectations float on clouds of uncertainty and hesitance. My inclinations battle complexities of principles which questions morality..  My conscious is weighted down with indecision. A time for love….
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I would strike down all melancholy before me with a vengeance of unyielding force and usher forth euphoric intoxication. But my slumber beckons for still and silence whilst I lay beneath blanketed softness. My mind is submerged in kaleidoscope of dreams, my escape cloaks me in shelter but only for a night.  I will lay not in want for a while as reality awaits rise of sun.

A star covered sky with illuminated moon upon the universe will  have passed.  And as darkness of night doth fade, morning is caressed by day. Then shall my essence exceedingly once again crave,   A time for love…… Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Written by: Alton T.  DeVeaux Jr.




Ecstasy ( A Poem )

Images of our bodies entwined, locked in heated passion

Uttered sounds come not from mind, but sing of certain rapture

Sensations flow in dance, created from our groove

Facial expressions are profound, contorting with every move

Streams of perspiration flow, from rivers full of lust

Frantic beatings of our hearts, on verge of bursting cusps.

Deeper and deeper we plunge, oblivious to all else

Fingers roaming excitedly, the terrain quivering when felt.

Harder and harder with more rapidity, thrusting to explode

Reminiscent of a volcano, seething with her load

Thirsting between our loins, her walls tightened anticipating consumption,

Pleasures unmasked in our eyes, delighted from eruption

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Limbs wrapped and tangled tightly, fluids within collide

Relaxation is overwhelming, breaths coming full and deep

Still our bodies caressed, this moment is ours to keep

Images in our mind, locked in heated passion

Uttered sounds come not from mind, but sing of certain rapture

Anticipation mixed desire, thoughts profoundly imagined indeed

Depths of pleasure unsurpassed, a moment of ecstasy.

Written by: Al  De Veaux Jr. Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />