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Learn and Grow.. Knowledge, like food is Essential to Life. Good food grows good fruit....FEED YOUR MIND, FEED YOUR BODY AND FEED YOUR SOUL. Proverbs 4 Verse 7: WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPAL THING: AND WITH ALL THY GETTING, GET UNDERSTANDING Verse 8 EXALT HER AND SHE SHALL PROMOTE THEE: SHE SHALL BRING THEE TO HONOUR WHEN THOU DOST EMBRACE HER How beautiful are these words of instruction from the bible. Embrace them and they will serve us well.

Babies making babies..

Let’s Be Truthful; A whole lot of brothers are extremely weak-minded , undisciplined and lack any form of structure in their life. So how can we expect them to be fathers to the babies that they help bring into this world? Why should we place that responsibility on them when we allow our little girls to become teenage mothers? Neither are ready for parenthood but hey, they’re just babies making babies so what’s the big deal, right?

Most men are driven by the force that is between their legs instead of the force that is between their ears. And then they are dumbfounded when they end up in family court for child support payments. Man that b—ch want me to pay child support, I ain’t got no money for that. Really!!!
Well I’m sorry brother, this is something that you should have given some serious thought to before you decided that you were going to slam that booty. Think!~!

So what happens now?  Well, you either get a job and take care of your child or like many others continue to dodge your responsibilities and go to jail for non-payment of child support. Which ever of the aforementioned you decide the child ends up on the short end of the stick. The child now has an absentee father and the relationship between the two of you becomes strained and most times non existent. Usually, the mother starts seeing someone else and that just gets you all fired up. Man, I don’t want no other man raising my child. Now it’s your child and all of a sudden you are concerned with who is in her life? Maybe you’re just more concerned with who the mother is humping now. Most men aren’t concerned with raising another mans child anyway. They just wanna piece of that ass also..You see the sad thing about all of this is that it could have easily been avoided. Now we have teenage girls walking around with multiple children before they reach twenty with multiple baby daddy’s.

Number one is to abstain. But you can’t do that because that ass is just looking to good and you just gotta hit it. (Weak minded men are always chasing after the kitty cat). If they would devote or commit just half of the energy working their brain towards something positive as they do trying to sweet talk their way into those panties, just maybe we would begin to see a slow upward trend out of this abyss of ignorance, decadence and immorality.

Number two, the responsible thing to have done is to use protection but no you just gotta feel that skin. Hey, I have been there so  I know it very well. Irresponsibility and a complete disregard for the consequences factor in when precautions are ignored. The mere fact that a child could be brought into this world which will need parents and require certain necessities does not enter the equation. There is something inherently wrong with this. To completely disregard the potential consequences of this act is a massive derelict in responsibility. Just think about this for a minute.

We brothers actually throw caution to the wind when we want to get into that kitty. Don’t get me wrong here because both parties are culpable in this behavior. Neither one takes a second to pause and discuss what the ramifications of this irresponsible behavior will yield. The action and lack there of both speak volumes toward the psyche and absence of thinking by the two individuals. Usually women have some reservations about engaging in sex without protection because they  understand what it can produce (baby or disease) however she allows herself to be manipulated into performing an act that she has some reservations about. Sometimes this is because she is pressured into doing so or forced. Other times the situation has reached such heights of feverish passion and lust that there is no turning back for either of them. But there is always the opportunity to stop and put the brakes on but we all know that this is something that rarely happens.

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We hardly ever take the time to plan responsibly. We have a propensity to act first and think later. 
How about taking a moment to contemplate just where we are? How did we get to this point where it is acceptable for young black women (whom have yet to finish school) become pregnant? The rate of pregnancy among black teenagers has declined but nevertheless it is twice that of whites and remains a challenging social issue.

These young men have no intentions whatsoever of being a responsible father or partner.. The young women know absolutely nothing about being mothers, Most of them have come from the same situation, so how can we expect them to be any different? This is a behavior that has been learned and permitted to perpetuate  within the black culture unabated. If we are to begin to make any upward progress we must change this behavior among our young and we must lead by example. This is one issue that we can address and also begin to change the narrative.. Think!

Each one, Reach one and Teach one. We gotta start or this will continue generation after generation..Written by; Al DeVeaux Jr, Africafifth Registered & Protected SFYG-LBAO-FDZL-ILQW

The Cost of Freedom

Everything in life costs something. Irregardless  of what it is there is always a price we must pay for something we want. It doesn’t always necessitate money as being the common denominator. In my last piece I wrote about the price we pay for over indulgence, making ill-advised purchases as well as trying to maintain a life style that we can’t afford.

In this piece I’m going to talk about Freedom today and what are some of the primary related costs. More importantly is the question, are we willing to pay the price for freedom today?

I’m not going to elaborate on the brave people and pioneers of yesterday. Folks such as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, Jane Pittman, John Brown, Nat Turner WEB DuBois,  MLK JR. Malcolm X, The Black Panthers and others who championed the cause for Black Freedom and Equality…or folks who help build up Black America during The Reconstruction Period, The Black Wall Streets of America, The Voters and Civil Rights Movement of the 60’s and 70’s. These folks were cut from a different cloth and we today haven’t experienced the suffrage that they have and aren’t as courageous..Neither do we feel the same sense of urgency.. We definitely need too though!

What does it cost to have real meaningful freedom? I’m talking about the kind of freedom that will allow you to go anywhere your heart desires, do whatever your heart desires ( within the framework of the law ), live where ever you can afford to live and be whomever you desire to be without the pigmentation of your skin being a factor? What is the cost to be able to live separate but equal and furthermore is that even possible in today’s society?  What would be the cost for either of these notions to be transformed into a reality?  What is the price we have to pay for law enforcement to stop profiling us and to stop shooting us down like animals?

What would that cost be for dark-skinned people as well as white skinned people for this to be realized? You see, whether or not you considered this brothers and sisters there is a price that white folks must pay also for any of this to become a reality. I’m not so sure that they are willing to do so. You ask, what the heck is it going to cost them? Well then I will tell you. It’s going to cost them sacrifice  and reconciliation the same that it will cost us. What do I mean by sacrifice and reconciliation?

In order for us to have unimpeded freedom or separate but equal status they have to open the door for the former or we have to force it open and they also have to accept the notion that we are their equal and they are not our superior. And let’s be honest folks, white America ain’t ready for their big show to end. Nor are they willing to accept us as equals..  These two in my book are the primary reasons why we are stagnated aside from the fact that we don’t take the initiative to radically challenge it. We are conditioned for docility and don’t even know it. We don’t believe that we can ultimately win against them and that is a very sad and disappointing reality. This brings me to my second issue and that is the costs for black folk. Again we are decimated and stagnated mostly because of systematic and systemic society that is predicated on white dominance.. Systematic because of the step by step methods that have been implemented to create and build a system of oppression, discrimination, marginalization and dehumanization. Systemic because it has become so ingrained in this system of white dominance/superiority and now inherently into the minds and lives of Black folks.

We are now and have always been confronted with self-identity, self-confidence, self-esteem issues to say the least. Another destructive organism is the self hate that we feel and project onto each other in the most harmful and violent ways. ie; rape,murder etc. Which brings me to another aspect of freedom that we fail to give much attention too. What about the freedom of our little black girls and our little black boys? Yes, the freedom for our children to play in their front yards and community playgrounds without the constant threat of shots being fired and having their life snuffed out before they even begin to live.. How about the freedom of not being exposed to drug dealing and other illegal activities that plague our streets and trouble their innocent souls? What about their freedom to grow up, go to school, have friends and to pursue their dreams?  What about the freedom of safety for them because it is the same freedom of safety that we want to have with law enforcement, isn’t it?  Our children also have a right to the exact same freedom of safety that we expect to have. We want freedom for ourselves and don’t provide freedom for them. We can’t expect to receive and not be willing to give. So I guess it is fair to say that some costs for freedom begins at home…It begins with one’s self and what one is willing to change in order to gain that freedom..Again courage!!!

We have a propensity to sabotage our own progress and fail to provide each other with the support we need in order to make constructive progress. . We have become our own worst enemies when we fail to utilize and convert this negative energy into positive energy and work towards gaining real freedom.
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Do we continue to march and sing or do we resort to some acts of violence to achieve freedom and respect?  Do we continue to burn down buildings and in the process destroy integral parts of our own communities? We gotta do and give up something man. Has the implementation regarding conceptual freedom been so elusive because of our reluctance to conform to what we think white society wants us to be? Hmmm, let that marinate for just a minute…

A lot of us are already wearing the skin of the uncivilized,      uneducated,unemployed, impoverished and no good for nothing filth that they view us as. So why not wear the skin of the conformist? Imagery and Perception I guess.. It would be too demeaning to most of us and would suggest a degree of Coonism or Uncle Tomism to conform..Could there not be conformity without fully embracing Ideologies and Doctrines of white America? I believe so and this is a topic that I will talk about in my next piece.

So what does freedom cost? A whole lot folks and I’m not so sure that we are willing to pay the price because it requires a great deal of courage, personal sacrifice and reconciliation on both sides.  For us as Black people our freedom starts with us liberating our minds and separating ourselves from the umbilical cord of white America’s poison. We must start looking at ourselves and each other through a different set of lenses other than the ones provided by them. Stop feeding on and digesting the never-ending poisonous propaganda that they spew through the conduits of communications. Stop believing and accepting it!!! If we continue to reconcile ourselves to the picture that’s been painted, the narrative that has been spoken and written about who we are, what we are and what we can and can not do then we will always be enslaved. Don’t believe the hype from them or from the naysayers… 

You’ve got to know who you are before you can be free. Freedom begins at home, mentally, spiritually and physically…

Yeah, Freedom costs a whole lot folks..Most folks ain’t ready for that. They may talk about it but they’re too damn lazy and or brainwashed to do anything about it. They’ll be the ones who will enjoy the fruits from the labor of others..

Sacrifices, Reconciliation and Courage!!! Registered & Protected 

The Buffet Table of Life

Let’s be truthful; We are all very familiar ( at least most of us ) with the buffet table. Most of us have dined at some of these establishments that offer a variety of  all you can eat foods for one price and there are those who make sure they get their moneys worth and then some…I’ve seen people just eat and eat until they can eat no more and then try to sneak some out in their bags….. These are the folks that will gorge themselves on just about everything in sight. The tummies have been filled to capacity but they will stretch it beyond it’s designed limit and continue to force it to expand. What transpires in the aftermath is a tummy that now requires more and more to fill it up and the appetite for food develops into a ravenous and insatiable one. Unbeknownst to them at the time is that eventually there’s a price  to pay for these episodes of overindulgence. You see my friends, everything in life costs something and aside from the listed price what  additional costs are you willing  to pay?

Most of us would be ecstatic if life only mirrored the buffet table concept. Oh man, I can visualize it now this sort of like a wild bonanza of delirium and intoxicating endless display of greed and over indulgence. Oh well as it is unfortunately or fortunately one price for everything does not apply here.. Not only is there not one price for all you want but the ache that you’ll get from overindulging in the buffet table of life is a bit more painful, damaging and longer lasting.. Big Ouch!!!

On the buffet table of life there is a massive abundance of merchandise available for us to adorn ourselves with and beautiful sexy automobiles to parade around in and show off as well as lots and lots of different and splendid toys for us to play with for our enjoyment or just to occupy our time with.. There is something for every one, whatever you may fancy. Yep, on the buffet table of life you can get just about anything you want . Only difference is that it  all comes with a price tag not to mention those unforeseeable costs that we incur depending on how careless or irresponsible we are., ie;Financial Aches and Pain…. Hey but that’s ok, it don’t matter, we want all that we can get and more even if we don’t necessarily need it and more importantly, can’t afford it… There’s a misconception that a lot of folks have about buying things.  The fact that you can purchase it does not mean you can afford it,,A lot of us will place ourselves in precarious situations simply because we don’t know how to put the brakes on nor factor in the ramifications of our careless actions.. We continuously make every conceivable effort to keep up appearances in order to project a certain image ( a false one at that ) of someone and something that we are not. We will go out and shop for the most expensive things, drive up that credit card bill and then sit back and wonder why we can’t pay the  electricity or the phone bill. We’re not that concerned about food shopping because McDonald’s one dollar meal special will do the trick.. I have seen lots of folks pulling up to that drive-up window in these high-end expensive cars… Why is it that Black folks are continuously trying to buy the illusion of success instead of building real success?

I know folks who are driving BMW’s, Mercedes, Cadillac’s, Audis, Lexus, Jaquars and Range Rovers and don’t even own their home. They have their nails and hair done  at the salon, wear the latest in fashion and have the most expensive bags on their arms (some real and some not ) and act as though their you know what don’t stank.. .  Brothers are hitting the clubs and making it rain but eventually it dries up and now they are delinquent on their payments but you wouldn’t know it by the way they carry themselves. ..Perception is paramount I guess. Man the money that is spent on the illusion of success does not serve us well at all. It simply does not yield a substantive or positive return on the investment as let’s say a home or some other type of financial investment would. But most aren’t concern with building up equity in a home or anything else for that matter as much as they are consumed with building up the perceptional image of success. Hey I may not have any type of viable net worth but I sure as hell look good baby. If that isn’t asinine I don’t know what the heck is..

You probably know a few folks who are just like this. Maybe even have a relative or two who fall right into this category.

So, let’s  fast forward to about 60 or 65 years old and take a peek at how successful they have been.
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Oops, unable to retire due to the enormous amount of outstanding debt and not a single penny in savings or some type of retirement account… No preparation whatsoever and still paying someone else’s mortgage.. Yep, you guessed it, still  paying rent. I would say that these are some of most misguided and disillusioned Negros on the planet but they aren’t and hey, if you don’t know well, you just don’t know. I have been down that same road at the exact same spot so I get it.. Due to the absence of teaching and positive role models we are more likely to emulate what we see as passing for success because we aren’t taught what real success is.  But wait a minute and let’s slow down for a second. Does this really excuse us because I mean we must know at some point in time that what we are doing is not conducive  to establishing  financial security for the future? No matter for we will continue to ignore the warning signs and give way to that most common of destructive rationales and mindset. It’s that old trap that a lot of us all fall into. You know that attitude we have when we someone starts to talk about preparing for the future..

Live for today man because tomorrow ain’t promised to ya..

Sort of like the O’Jays song-Living For The Weekend.. Yeah baby cause that’s when I party down….Party, party hey party down..

What the heck does thinking about 30 or 40 years  down the road man gonna do for me now? I got to get my party on now dog.. I might not live to see 60 years old man, might not even see fifty..So therefore the concept of doing things in moderation never enters the mind because it’s all you can eat no matter what the cost…Screw the future man cause it ain’t in my plans and I ain’t thinking about it at this conjuncture in my life….. I hate to be the one to tell ya brothers and sisters, but you need to lend an ear to this here. Just because the future does not factor into your plans you sure as heck can bet that you most definitely factor into the future’s plan…. You can bank on it…. Now I’m not saying that you can’t eat at the buffet table of life I’m just cautioning you about the over indulgence, that’s all.. Know your limitations and don’t attempt to live beyond your means..

Hey eat all you want folks and enjoy yourselves but just remember,          ( Eat Responsibly )… or else….

 Written by Al DeVeaux Jr. Africafifth Registered & Protected JKND-YVME-H07C-Q4VD

Once Again

Once again she has departed and I find myself alone and left to my own devices. Once again the beast inside me rears its ugly head beckoning me to enter into its dark chambers. Once again all that was laid to rest begins to surface and once again I find myself battling the temptations of sin. I pray for the stillness of my soul but the heaviness bears down on me and she is not near to help lift it.
She has always been my saving grace as well as my rock. It has been in her presence that I find my strength even though she is unaware of my darkness. It is her quiet and still manner that keeps the beast at bay and calms my sometimes restless spirit. She gives me peace of mind and my heart bathes in the joy which fills me with content for a while. She embodies all that is wonderfully beautiful in my eyes for her soul is one of innocence and virginity. She has not been contaminated with the vileness in life that I have experienced. Her heart knows not of corruptibility and she has been spared the pain and deceit of this world by a protective mother. Her upbringing, a stark contrast to mine has molded and prepared her for me. My lifes experiences beg a desperate need of her. For without her my life might have been doomed and incarcerated in dark perpetuity.
Once again in her absence it is the minutes, the hours, and the days that need filling for it is in my idleness that the beast thrives and gains strength. Once again indiscretion and futility strive to overpower me and dominate my actions. Once again I have danced with the notion of indulgence and I have entertained those would be regretful actions. Once again my mind and will were close to the doorstep of shameful exuberance.
Once again divinity intercedes and better judgment doth prevail. Once again it has been my time to show inner strength and mental fortitude. Once again it is upon me to rise to the challenge and confront the beast for once again I am reminded of just how flawed a human I am. Once again I have the opportunity in her absence to be the man that she needs me to be and the man I need to be for me. Once again I will gain more in depth insight into my inner being and become a better person from the experience.
Once again I have grown from the process and learned to appreciate her gentleness, her compassionate heart, her unyielding and uncompromising devotion, and her unconditional love for me. Once again she will return and life will resume with some sense of normalcy but who’s to say that this isn’t the designed normality for my life.

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Once again there are the questions and once again I am still seeking the answers. Once again she will be by my side through it all...Once again we will embrace, once again we will talk, once again we will laugh and once again we will say I love you and we will have each other.. Once again for now and just maybe once again before and forever…
Written by; Al ( Africafifth ) DeVeaux Jr Registered & Protected OCPY-URLL-LCMM-YBHU


Saboteurs, who are they and how do they  disrupt and impede the progress of others?

Some of these folks are unconsciously sabotaging our progress, while others are very much aware of what they are doing and why they are doing it. As to why they do it the answer is a complex one. There are many contributing factors why someone who has experienced nothing but oppression would work earnestly to knock down the progression of others. There is something deeply psychologically twisted and rooted in the minds of those who are complicit in this regard.

Some of these folks believe implicitly that we will always be brainwashed and mentally chained. They will vigorously attempt to thwart all and any efforts made by people who want nothing more than to enlighten others so that they can free themselves from a life of anguish and the agony of mental slavery. They will repeatedly spew poisonous rhetoric of how powerless we are. They will whisper untruths in the ears of others to turn people against each other in an effort to create conflict and dissension. They are the Judists who will betray their brethren for a few coins of silver and much, much less…

They will disguise themselves as your ally, professing to embrace the  same ideologies and sense of purpose.. They will sit at your table, break bread with you and sip from the same cup all the while attempting to illicit trust and lull you into a false sense of security. They will wear the skin of the chameleon and give you the impression that you both are one in the same. They will conceal  their nefarious motives behind this well constructed camouflage and in times of conflict and controversy suddenly abandon you and leaving you to fend for yourself. They will organize along side you while conspiring with your enemies behind your back….

These folks want nothing more than to be the purveyor of malice and the cause of your failure. Your demise is what they seek and all that you attempt to build is at risk because these folks can not stomach the possibility of you being successful. The uplifting and empowerment that you incite and infuse into others poses for them a genuine threat as it is an illustration of constructive change. There are a great number of folks who have a natural innate tendency to relish in the agony of others. Some just  don’t want anything upsetting the status quo and are reluctant to embrace change and are extremely resistant and combatant to those who present it. The concept of preservation and conservation is not unique to just  white folks. We have many folks of color who feel the same way and will work against you to maintain the current structure…..You may ask yourself why and I will answer by saying that change makes people uncomfortable and it usually means taking them out of their comfort zone. Henceforth the saboteurs..

Some of these folks are just malicious, spiteful, hateful and plain old evil…Some are just uneducated, lack knowledge and vision. Some are just insentient beings and have no desire to grow. Some are naysayers and non believers for positive and constructive change and some are just plain old lazy… That’s just the way they are. It is the cloth that they are cut from and there is absolutely nothing on this earth that will change that for most. Everyone was not meant to go where it you are going and they will attempt to sabotage your plans. You have to learn who you can trust and who you can not. That in and of itself is the greatest challenge to us all..

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Who is your fellow disciple and who is your Judist?

Only time will tell!!!

Written by Africa Fifth Registered & Protected 3O9J-9RH3-R7C9-WNJK



When you have no one to stand up for you or to help you fight your battles, who does one look to for support and reassurance during those periods of peril, turmoil and misdirected aggression that greets you at every turn? When you yearn for a quiet and peaceful place of solitude away from all of the conflict, who is there to teach you how to embrace the adversity and to press on and press through?  What does one do when one is at the complete mercy of whomever is governing ones  life and possesses an unmitigated control over every miniscule aspect of that life? What are the thoughts that flow through ones mind and what are the options? Invisible…

One would more than likely be encapsulated with an enormous amount of self-doubt, internal conflict, a defeatist mentality and lack of self-identity that would lend itself to an extreme disconnect from reality. Ones vision and reasoning becomes completely obscured and decisions now become irresponsible and reckless. There would undoubtedly be an overwhelming feeling of exasperation and hopelessness that would ultimately envelop the soul and hold captive the spirit of dreams. All that one is surrounded with are indicators of failure, confinement and restrictions with nothing that offers up possibilities for potential opportunities of change. Inside of you there stirs a constant desire and need for something more palatable than this seemingly meaningless existence and shell of a life but the doors of welcomed passage appear to be sealed indefinitely. This was a mindset and seemingly inescapable reality for me during a time in my life and currently appears to be the reality and aimless journey for a multitude of others in today’s society. Invisible…

One should take just a moment to ponder the hopelessness that one would feel if one were to be subjected to a life of obscurity, where our presence was meaningless. A life that presently reflects no semblance of promise and for all practical purposes is illustrative of defeat and void of meaning. How would one feel knowing that there was something more tangible in life for others but for you an elusive and ostensibly  unattainable reality? Invisible….

As a nation of so many diverse ethnic groups we all at one time or another throughout the course of history til present day have experienced some form of discrimination or prejudice. We are extremely familiar with injustice and subjective bias. We offer no empathy or compassion towards our fellow being and are much to consumed with selfishness.  We continue to treat each other with dis-respect, dis-courteousness and vitriol infused with a virulent antagonistic behavior. We reluctantly if ever take time to acknowledge the truth and the harshness of its reality unless of course it benefits our own agendas.

I can’t even begin to imagine what a life of absolute subjugation would feel like but I do have an idea of what imprisonment feels like. There are some similarities since both are forms of incarceration but not quite the same as living in the free world and watching that freedom and liberty being enjoyed by others on a daily basis. In prison there are walls that lock you in, guards and other forms of security to insure that there is no escape. In this world that we live in we often times become completely exasperated and full of self doubt because of walls that lock us in.. Walls erected of systemic oppression and discrimination and walls that some of us unknowingly create…Invisible

Granted, there are many obstacles in life that one must overcome but it is not as though the opportunities are not there. Exactly what is it that stands in the way and prevents a person from making progress in today’s free world? Could it be  fear, lack of confidence or a lack of desire and a clear-cut method by which to achieve something of significance? This is the question that I struggle with constantly every single day to find an answer too.

Have we become imprisoned by our own doings or non-doings? We must honestly ask ourselves where does the real and absolute responsibility lay? Who and what are the roots of our problems and issues that somehow never seem to warrant our immediate attention or solutions for correction. Is it through eyes of fear that we gaze upon the improprieties of mankind and take no action? Why are we not able to separate ourselves from that segment of Black and white America that is rife with negativity, low standards and principles and declare our independence of it? Would not a pride of lions expel from their community that one culprit or culprits that reaps havoc, discourse and disruption for the sake of pride. Are we that afraid to take action for fear of being labeled a sellout or tom or even a snitch? Something is inherently wrong with this type of mindset…. Invisible…

Could it be that because there is a lack of real suffrage today people are without a driving force? Is it because we have allowed ourselves to lower our standards and expectations which in retrospect and coincidentally have compromised our morals and principles? It appears that this has in effect all but diminished our pursuit of excellence and the desire for outstanding accomplishments.. So with all that said, where does the answer lie?

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It is my belief that the answer lies within all of us. We as individuals and hopefully collectively can accomplish great things. First and foremost there has to be a raw evaluation of self. A truthful and honest look into what one as an individual must improve on or change in order to effectively make a difference not just in their life but in the lives of others whom they  impact..

I may not possess much in the way of fortune but I can offer you an ear, a shoulder and a kind word. I can show you a smile and look at you with eyes of hope and share with you a heart full of compassion and empathy. I’m unable to erase your pain completely but I can help to make the moment lighter. I can share with you my struggles in life and offer you comfort in letting you know that the fight is not only yours. In this regard, just maybe we can forge a bond with a commitment of hope and determination in an effort to make a difference. We can pave the way and lay down the path with bricks to success….You are not invisible to me…

If this is accomplished we will move away from the realm of invisibility into the realm of visibility…

Written By Al DeVeaux Jr. Registered & Protected<br />