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Learn and Grow.. Knowledge, like food is Essential to Life. Good food grows good fruit....FEED YOUR MIND, FEED YOUR BODY AND FEED YOUR SOUL. Proverbs 4 Verse 7: WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPAL THING: AND WITH ALL THY GETTING, GET UNDERSTANDING Verse 8 EXALT HER AND SHE SHALL PROMOTE THEE: SHE SHALL BRING THEE TO HONOUR WHEN THOU DOST EMBRACE HER How beautiful are these words of instruction from the bible. Embrace them and they will serve us well.

Be The Change That You Seek

I have often spoken of change in my posts because I believe it is an integral process that leads to growth of oneself both inward and outward. Often times in life we  find ourselves confronted with circumstances of adversity. We tend to lack the fundamental tools that are needed to cope with these moments and we are reluctant to challenge ourselves to press on and press through. We throw up our hands to surrender rather than to conquer which is why we always find ourselves at the same place no matter how much we may lament for change.

For one to be the change that one seeks is a daunting undertaking. There are so many dynamics that come into play which make for a very complex and challenging transition. Change is not a process  that occurs just from the mere wanting of it. We have to understand that there are many unforseen complications and variables that arise out of attempting to change..

So, with that said one must ask oneself how badly does one need that change to take place. Just like anything in life that is worth having, it comes at a price.  Which brings me to my next question; How much is the change worth to you and how much are you willing to pay, ie;( sacrifice)? You see, most of us have no conception of how demanding change can be and  are ill prepared to meet those demands. But if one can tolerate the adversity and meet the challenge head on, one will benefit immensely from the process as well as the results…..

I’m going to share with you a bit about myself and what I had experienced some 40 plus years ago.  Lost and confused I went into a very dark and lonely place where I dwelled for quite a few years not knowing where I was going in life, I did however have one thing that I would cling to and that was a strong desire to live my life differently. I realize and understand that we all have different experiences in life and disappointments, I get it. But the one constant here is that dismal is dismal and if that is hovering over us, we most definitely  want it to change..

I had spent the majority of my teenage years and early 20’s as a somewhat defiant and non conforming individual. I rejected all manner of authority and basically felt like an outcast which eventually led me  down the wrong path and to reform school. Which by the way  is where I had asked my probation officer to send me. I was being abused by my dad, pushed around and poked fun at constantly by others so I figured that this would definitely get me away from it all and garner me some street cred. Well it did do that and a lot more. I was eleven years old at the time and fed up with this world and all that was in it. So without going into a lot of details, needless to say this was the one mistake in judgement that was the genus for what would follow. By deciding to go this route I had set in motion an unguided and reckless force and embarked on a journey of self-inflicted pain and self-destruction.

I would, like most rebellious kids at that time  venture into a world of sex, booze, marijuana, pills and eventually heroin which became the most debilitating and destructive force in my life. I had become snared by the powerful unrelenting grip of intravenous heroin use and I couldn’t see any clear way out.. Everyday that I lived, I lived for the warm feeling of this drug entering into my veins and taking me on a euphoric trip that would ease all of the pain that I felt in life. These moments only lasted for a short while and I would revisit the misery and pain of a drug addicted and disappointed life. I would struggle with my addiction on and off for years before and after military service and alienating myself from everyone .. I would attempt to project some semblance of a normal life but I struggled day in and day out with my addiction to the point where I was contemplating suicide. My life couldn’t get any lower and I couldn’t continue any farther like this!

Suddenly,  I was confronted with a very harsh reality. I could remain a slave to this powerful binding drug, commit suicide or I could free myself from this heroin addiction and live. I made a choice to live because I had lacked the courage or will to do the other.  I may have also thought that suicide was an easy way out which could also be viewed as cowardly. So I decided that I would go and apply for outpatient treatment but the powers that be decided that methadone would not be given to me. Reluctantly, I decided to enter into an in-house treatment program to begin my journey towards self discovery and a promise of a better life untainted by drug use.. It’s amazing how the initial action causes the unfolding of other actions and reactions.

I was not prepared for the amount of emotional and mental work required of me to make this transition. I ended up leaving a couple of times after making substantial progress only to relapsed and return to begin the process all over again. This type of behavior definitely sounded familiar. It was another pattern that I had developed somewhere along the way in my life. It may have been with my first decision to go away to reform school and not face the issues that I was confronted with in life. How does one know or develop the tools needed if there is no-one to teach or guide them? These are the essentials to life that I would come to be extremely familiar with through countless interactive group sessions and one on one therapy.  But first I needed to commit myself to the process which brings me to that moment in my life when my mother had come to visit me at the program. She had uttered something to me that would change my life from that moment on. Quite simply she said to me, Alton you want change but you only want it on the outside. In order for you to change you have to want it on the inside. BOOM! There it was as simple as one, two,three. Is that all there was to it? Just to want it on the inside? You mean to tell me that I have been fronting it all along, you know acting as though I wanted it but not really wanting it? Was I just kinda going through the motions?

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No, that wasn’t the case at all. I merely needed to go through what I went through in order for me to realize that real change has to take place within and until I was really sincere and ready for it, it would not happen. That is when the real work begins, because now I had to remain diligent and determined to make it no matter what. The demons never really go anywhere, they just wait in the shadows for you to slip up.I have had people tell me that I had squared up or that I would always be a junkie. Once a junkie, always a junkie. My own mother had even said to me once when I was clean and living a productive life that if someone had told her that I would turn out to be the person that I have become today, she would have told them that they were full of shit. Yeah folks, that is just how bad I was. Well, it has been well over 35 years and I have never stuck another needle of heroin in my veins.

Yes, so what am I saying? It’s plain and simple;  We have to decide whether or not we really want it in order to change and at the same time are we willing to separate ourselves from those forces that lead us to unproductive lives and influence our ability to make the transition. I made a choice early on that put me in a bad place with some people who engaged in some not so healthy activities and as a result set into motion life altering patterns. It is profoundly amazing that I am still on the planet and I believe that I have been given considerable favor by my creators. So check it out; if you are still on the planet and if you don’t like where you are today nor what you see in the mirror, then change it. Make that commitment to turn your life around and embrace the challenge. It will make you a much stronger person. Nothing ventured, nothing gained..  For every action there is a reaction. Good or Bad!

So once again I reiterate; Be the change that you seek.

Thank you Mom, Love you.

Written by; Alton T. DeVeaux Jr (Africafifth)


The Perpetual Slave Part 1

The greatest trick the devil performed was convincing the world that he didn’t exist. I heard this quote when I was watching a movie called The Usual Suspects and it had a resounding impact on my cerebral senses. I thought to myself, damn that is so profoundly true and even more so as it relates to Africans/Black folks freedom and slavery. I guess in today’s era that would probably equate to the white man convincing the world that racism does not exist or the African/ Black person being convinced that he or she is not a slave in one form or another.. Both have some degree of merit and ground to stand on however, I choose the latter.

We on the whole have never ever truly completely realized the sanctity of liberation.. That is to say that we have been perpetually bound to the white populace by design in some manner or another. It is almost as though without this virtual attachment one’s demise is imminent whereas the survival of both may be dependent upon it. We have always contended that we have been emancipated but at the end of the day we are just free to be manipulated and conform to a form of slavery that has been ingrained in the institution of racism in white society and implemented flawlessly with our assistance. We have always capitulated and never offered up a formidable resistance nor steadfast conviction to liberty or death..

Unwittingly or not we have been complicit in allowing ourselves to be inadvertently or overtly manipulated, cajoled, influenced or forced into a subjugated existence. Why is this? Some would venture to say that this phenom is a direct result of 400 years of the cruelest and most harsh treatment towards any human under the institution of slavery which I am inclined to accept to an extent. But you see there comes a point in time when one must come to ones senses and know that you are a human being that deserves better and will accept nothing less than equal treatment across the board for one’s self and all non-whites….Today we suffer from a mental slavery that has emaciated our people and all but thoroughly stagnated our progress.

Those of us who have realized enormous success and have assimilated into white society have nearly forgotten their roots and how the way for them had been paved through hard work and sacrifices from those Africans/Blacks that came before them. They have been lulled asleep by the glitter and illusions of success and have failed miserably to continue to carry the torch lit by so many great African/Black leaders and ordinary folk decades ago..How quickly they have forgotten…Yet they will complain and sulk about recognition not being bestowed upon them by the white populace as though they require stroking by them to feel relevant.

How shameful and disrespectfully arrogant of these sanitized Negroes to be so dismissive of their supporters, their admirers and their people. We who have the utmost reverence for them are offered no recognition or camaraderie. They stand not for the day-to-day struggle and causes of the African/Black underclass. They are hesitant lend themselves and their platforms to speak out about social injustices in an effort to galvanize the masses as one. By standing together we’d have the leverage necessary to impact a constructive social reconstruction that would be equally representative of all non-whites. These folks have become so far removed from the plight of those whose shoes they themselves once walked in because they now are rubbing shoulders with their white counterparts and they dare not risk their new-found fame!

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Influence of social proof and evidence is masked in many methods of effective persuasion. Most folks are unaware of the various subtle suggestive ways that have an enormous influence on the decisions we make as well as the behavior we exhibit. It is by these measures or methods that a high percentage of folks across many diverse groups are able to be controlled. We are in-cognizant of how media, education, religion, government or any vehicle that disseminates information or how groups of people’s actions influence us. Whenever we fall in lock step without challenge or question, we become like herded cattle that can be easily manipulated and lead. If we see that the majority folks are trending in a certain direction most of us follow without question regardless.

This is what is referred to as social evidence or social proof.  Some times the information is accurate but most times it is not. It is mostly by design and is highly effective because it targets the human psyche and places us at odds with our conscious and values. This is a subject matter that I’ll delve into greater detail at another time. So I will ask you to take a moment to think and look inwardly into just how much of your life is really controlled by you and always bear in mind that;

Things aren’t always as they might appear to be. Just when we think we know, we don’t! Sometimes there is a demand that force be met with equal if not a greater force to extricate ones self from the shackles of enslavement.

Written By; Al DeVeaux Jr. Africafifth Registered & Protected YRL7-EJ0B-2P70-MLUN

Paganism, Christianity and Africans

If Paganism was the belief and practice of the Ancient African people and their civilizations flourished and delivered mankind (especially Europe into civilization), exactly why is it that Africans follow a religion such as (Christianity) that has been given to them by their oppressors and has brought them nothing but centuries of perpetual pain and suffrage at the hands of those fellow Christians? Am I missing something here?

I mean we are talking about an African people who flourished for millenniums in the most advanced civilizations of their time. African people who constructed monolithic structures with probably the most rudimentary of tools( as far as we know ) that can neither be explained how or even duplicated with the most advanced machinery of today. An African people who introduced government, medicine, education, science, astrology, arts, music, literature, the written and spoken language, culture and much more to humankind….

Paganism is the embracing and reverence of nature and all of the natural elements. Understanding the delicate balance needed to be maintained between man and nature..The spiritual and the metaphysical realm of creation and existence..
It’s simply an umbrella term covering many different religions and belief systems.
Paganism is a spiritual way of life and its origins are rooted in the ancient nature religions of the world.
Paganism has absolutely nothing to do with Satan, demons, or devils. Pagans do not believe in the entity Satan,which basically is a construct of a Christian concept!!!!.

Paganism, is sometimes referred to as (The Old Religion) which predates Christianity and has absolutely nothing to do with worshiping or performing rituals and sacrifices and honor of the devil!!.

Could it be that Christianity was designed to enslave us Spiritually and Mentally? Encourage us to worship a God and Christ manufactured in their likeness in order to facilitate and create a world of white superiority?
Guide us away from our Ancestral beliefs and practices because of our historically proven and well documented dominance in the world?
Folks really need to think about this…

 Christianity is a fabricated religion like most designed and diffused throughout the world by so-called Christians and their subjugates devoted to instilling the element of fear into those folks it desires to control…Flood the unwitting minds of people with the  illusion of a Purgatory and have them envisioning their souls burning for an eternity in hell over fire and brimstone. The only relief for their so-called sinful behavior or impoverished situation is to beg for forgiveness and pray for deliverance to a God they created.

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Paganism existed many thousands of years before the birth of the so-called son of God and Christianity which is a borrowed story from other religions.We know by research that Christianity has substituted Pagan deities with fabricated ones of their own and the stories illustrate too many similarities to be coincidence….

So, why is it that the majority of African Christians refuse to acknowledge the hypocrisy and flawed foundation of this religion? Why do they place such a strong belief in this doctrine of fallacy with its false deity?  Is it a cop-out? Maybe it allows them the relief of responsibility and action…Who knows….Why not denounce that religion which looks outward for salvation and embrace a belief that increases your level of spirituality and enhances your oneness with the universe?

Pagans; They seek to enhance the quality of life by bettering themselves and the world around them through dedication to their chosen spiritual path;  from What is Paganism

Below is a link that provides a glimpse into what Paganism is. Read it and hopefully it will shed some light for those of you that are stuck in the darkness… 

Written by; Al DeVeaux Jr. Africafifth Registered & Protected LGYV-J5OG-TUSE-EXJC

Noose to Bullet

Early 1900’s  Anywhere in Anytown USA.

Where ya goi’n boy were the words that ricochet loudly off the ear drums  of a tired and worn down but proud young Black man on this hot, muggy and sweltering day in Anytown U.S.A.

Big Mo kept on walking because he just wasn’t in the mood to be dealing with some redneck cracker on a hot and muggy afternoon. He had just finished putting in another long hard days work in the plant and the only thing on his mind right now, was getting home to his wife and kids, taking a shower and sitting down to have a nice home cooked meal.  After which he would go out on the front porch, enjoy a nice cool drink, watch the kids play around for a while before calling it another day. But before he could even entertain any of that, he had to deal with this irritating and ignorant cracker…

Hey nigger, you hear me talk’in to ya? I said where ya goi’n?  Big Mo was taking long full long strides, trying to put some distance between the two of them as he wanted to reach the bus before the confrontation he knew was imminent caught up with him.  He could see the bus pulling up to the stop but he was just not close enough to get on it and avoid what was coming. Damn, he thought to himself, out of all the days to possibly be late getting home for dinner. Why this one? You see this day was also a special occasion for Big Mo and his wife. They were soon to be the proud owners of a new home and this would be their night to celebrate.. It didn’t matter that he still had to rely on public transportation to get around because ownership of a home is what he and his wife, Mattie had always dreamed of. It would give them a sense of security and it would be theirs..Not too many Black folks owned their homes then but they would be one of the few that did..Yes, this was indeed cause for celebration…First things first though…

Big Mo came to an abrupt stop, whirled his huge frame of a body around and glared with an incessant disdain and annoyance directly into the eyes of his insolent pursuer and said, what you want with me? I ain’t doing nothing but trying to get home to my wife and kids. Unfortunately Big Mo wouldn’t make it home this night. He had dared question a white man and did so in a manner that was considered challenging to the authority and superiority of this nobody cracker. A heated exchange between the two would ensue and it would draw the unwanted attention of other white folks. Soon afterwards a mob of curious and angry white men would gather around and the instigator would accuse Big Mo of being an uppity nigger who needed to be taught a lesson. They would collapse around Big MO, beat him down and take him out to the woods to string him up. He wouldn’t be celebrating with his wife tonight, he wouldn’t be sitting down to enjoy his dinner with his family, he wouldn’t be sitting out on the porch sipping a cool drink while his children played and he and his family would never know the experience of owning their own home.

He would never live to breathe another day in Anytown USA. All because of the ignorance and racist vile that has permeated the air throughout American  society and has profusely stained its soil with the innocent blood of ( far too many to count ) black men, women and children in this country. This is a short story that is all to reminiscent of what it is like to be Black and living in a white dominated society in Anywhere, Anytime USA. This has an oh so familiar ring to it does it not? The scenario has been played out time and time again in this so-called white dominated world of ours one way or another.
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Let’s fast forward 100 years  plus and we are still experiencing the same racist vitriol.  The perpetrators today are in the uniforms of Law enforcement. Whether it is walking, driving, jogging, shopping or playing in a department store or a park with a play gun, having  dark skin is an open invitation for harassment and possible death. Just the mere suspicion of guilt by law enforcement or any white citizen today, ( just as it was back then )  appears to be cause enough to justify murder….It appears that we have gone from the noose to the bullet and we can’t seem to shake it….We pray for the families of those innocent Black lives who have left this planet so abruptly at the hands of racism and by those who have an indifference to life. We must feel a compelling duty to eradicate our society of this insensitivity to human life on both sides of the paradigm or we are doomed….

We are all Big Mo’s, Mattie’s, their family and some of us may never make it back home. This my people is the harsh reality of the world we live in today. It is much to often the unavoidable and undeniable brevity of life for Black folk here in America..We Must Change The Narrative…

 All prayers to the most high for strength and courage as we embark on a new meaningful course for the Black Diaspora..

Written by; Al Deveaux Jr. Africafifth Registered & Protected X8K6-IDMR-OCYY-07B1

The Black Collective

Let’s Be Truthful;

We the Diaspora of dark-skinned people whose journey and fate was condemned to eternal damnation lament for the Black collective..  We are forever disconnected from the Motherland of Africa just as Africa herself is disconnected from us due to the incursion of a European race of rapacious parasitical vermin. A vandalous lot whose wanton destructive behavior desecrated, ravaged, and plundered her earth and sold her children into bondage far across the oceans which in effect condemned them to a life of horrific hell on earth for centuries. They would be forever changed and damaged with their identity lost and buried from a period of slavery.

There can never be one person, body or organization that can work for the greater interest of the Black collective. The Black collective is much too fragmented and compromised from within.. We are an assembly of many different black and brown people of the Diaspora who have different aspirations, hopes and dreams. We will always be a divided people unable to organize within the confines of this nation for there are insurmountable challenges and dynamics that prevent our solidarity. Both within and without as Marcus Garvey has spoken so eloquently about during his tenure as the president of UNIA in the early 1900’s. A clash of beliefs, ideas and egos between the NAACP and the UNIA  as well as white intervention during that period prevented the upward growth of the Black collective,..During that era of post reconstruction there existed a pervasive cloud of destructive contradictions in dynamics;

the forces or properties that stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process.”the dynamics of changing social relations

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as it pertained to the Black populace.  The prominent and highly venerated W.E.B. DuBois labeled Garvey as the most dangerous man to the Negro people.. Garvey in turn said of DuBois who heads that “Negro-hating organization known as the Association for the Advancement of “Colored” People are the greatest enemies the black people have in the world. One leader is Black as the night and one leader could pass for white…One advocates a repatriation to Africa, the other advocates the absorption into white society for those lighter skinned Negroes. .Hmmm.

The greatest and most highly acclaimed Black leaders couldn’t work in the best interest of the Black collective then and they sure as hell can’t do it now..

We’ve always hampered by Black intellectuals , activists, politicians, teachers,  preachers and proletariats ( ordinary working folks ) who are incapable of setting aside differences long enough to find common ground that would yield viable and constructive solutions.. We are a petty and egotistical people who are too self-absorbed, arrogant and morally challenged who consistently sabotage and demean one other. ie; coon, uncle tom, sell outs. We have developed a propensity for pretentiousness and have many conflicting perceptions of success for the Black populace. We suffer immensely from the perpetuity of internal and external degradation of our Blackness as well as always questioning the authentication of Black enough!!!

Look folks, there are different classes of black people, we are not all the same just because we wear the same colored skin. . What we do have in common is a shared history both past and present of enslavement, oppression, injustice and unequal rights as a Black collective in America. It defines and binds us to a degree but does not necessarily represent who we are completely.  We must acknowledge and respect one another because of that and in the same respect acknowledge our individualism and uniqueness’s…Now if we could just set our differences aside and work for a common good, that would be beautiful..However…

We have adapted the ways of our European oppressors and are unable to separate ourselves from who they want us to be as opposed to who we were born to be. Lacking the knowledge of our history and personal identity we are always struggling for our place in society and the world…Please understand that anything that has been suppressed and controlled by a dominant force over an extended period of time will eventually  take on or mimic some of the characteristics of that force. ie;Hybrid

We aspire to achieve individual accomplishments, success and stature for the acquisition of  meaningless trinkets. We strive to distance ourselves from those of the lesser black class in order assimilate into the accomplished and successful Black and white populace. We bask in the intoxicating euphoria of recognition from our white counterparts and peers. We swim in the ocean of  virtue and bathe in the showers of reverence.  We are conflicted and confused and we will forever be quarrelsome among one another. We fail to understand that we are all black in skin but don’t  necessarily embrace the same principles, ideals, standards and aspirations . In every society and ethnic group a hierarchy will always exist. History substantiates that as a prerequisite for any governing body in a civilization.. We of the Black populace are ignorant of this and expect that all will and should be granted the same. Not happening!!!

Unless there is a huge paradigm shift within the Black populace that brings forth solidarity which in turn elevates the Black collective it will remain business as usual…   The dominant species will always oppress the weaker one and there will always be an underclass no matter the color of skin. It is the law of nature or just the nature of the beast regardless of how contentious it may sound. We will always yearn for better than what we have,,, Question is can we achieve it collectively? Others have but I have my doubts about us…..

The show will play out on center stage and everyone will play a role no matter how significant or insignificant. But what about the Black collective you ask?

 “The leadership of the past has been a leadership more destructive than constructive—a leadership that misrepresented the true desires, the true hopes of this struggling race of ours.”   Garvey, Marcus 

When the day dawns where the sun rises on a colorblind world, the day’s sun will set in that world and class-ism will still exist.. The Black Collective is non-existent…It always has been and always will be about class…Color is just a means of lumping us all together…Be about that knowledge and be about that change….

Written by; Al DeVeaux Jr. Africafifth Registered & Protected GGXI-LPBQ-P4AC-MUYT

Washing of the Black Mind II

Let’s Be Truthful;

We are continuously bombarded with images of white people portrayed as heroic,  compassionate humanitarians or the saviors of the world while Black people are always depicted with  negative images of incivility, savagery, angry, uneducated, lazy and ignorant folks..Granted we do have in our midst those who fall into that category but so does the white population. However he has the entire world including  a lot of us buying into that same rhetoric. A lot of us just don’t know who or what we are because we have been so thoroughly mind f—ked over the centuries that any remnants of our true identity has just about been washed away…So as a consequence of this  perpetual campaign of negative propaganda we have begun to hate ourselves.

We are constantly fed negative images of our people both here and abroad. To add insult to the hype some of us are all to willing to contribute to this campaign of negative propaganda ( mind conditioning )… Just about every form of the media whether it is news programs,  television programs or motion picture, the majority of it is controlled by the white man. We have become so conditioned to accept what we see and hear as the norm because we are spoon fed this crap every single day. We have allowed someone else to dictate how we should process our thoughts. We think that we are in control of our thoughts but in actuality we are not. This is a classic illustration of someone who has been mind washed.

Every aspect of our lives has been manipulated and dominated to the point that we have become the darker version of our en-slavers, our manipulators, our traducers,  our very own oppressors.. Yes, my brother and sisters over the course of time we have been molded into dark-skinned Europeans and we don’t even realize it. Yeah, I know some of you will say that man, I ain’t no European, I’m black and yes that may be true to an extent.. We are Black, just Black Europeans and if you just take a moment to step back and  think about it you just may be able see exactly where I’m coming from. We have been Europeanized  not Africanized because had we been Africanized we would speak, dress, eat and act more like Africans than Europeans….

Who do you think gave us the English language because it damn sure isn’t our Ancestors native tongue. Where do you think our clothing comes from, food, who makes the money we spend, provides the jobs for our employment, banking and finance, education, housing, hospitalization, makers of auto mobiles, law enforcement, government and who controls the economy etc.?  Who has given you Christianity and told you that the ( so-called son of man ) Jesus and his father are white? Black folks have built thousands of churches all across America and abroad with the image of him on the cross overlooking the congregation..Most of the Black populace have come to speak of him as their savior..Get down on their knees and pray to him for deliverance and forgiveness of transgressions. I was there myself until I began to educate myself beyond the scope of white mis-information and lies. Today I pray not to any white man nor white God for deliverance…My creator or creators are much Greater!!
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Just who do you think colonized our black asses in the first place and  gave us this so-called freedom. Yeah, that’s right the white man who has stolen and credited himself with everything of significance our people have given to ancient and modern civilization. . He has attempted to re-write our history with his name and face all over it. He gives us just enough freedom to emulate and serve him but doesn’t allow us enough that would jeopardize his dominance…What we are witnessing being played out on the streets of America is a direct result of the mind conditioning intended to keep us subservient to insure his position as supreme ruler. We are gunning each other down indiscriminately and at the same time being gunned down and jacked up by his goon squad of enforcers ( POLICE ) who are given complete impunity. These cowardly and oppressive actions by police are no different from the overseer on the slave plantations who astride horse with whip and rifle in hand beat down the black slave to reinforce his superiority. Just another form of a beat down to show who’s boss and who’s subservient. Every violation of our rights and every murder by police that’s exonerated is meant to serve as a constant reminder to us that we are just Niggers who are less than animals in the eyes of the  white populace. They’re not going to punish the overseer ( police ) because he is the tool that is used to inflict fear and pain. We do not matter.. Our freedom, rights and lives are inconsequential and insignificant to these wretched parasites…

As long as you concede to this systematic and systemic form of oppression and mind manipulation and are reluctant to resist nor educate yourselves to liberate your minds, you will continue to function as the negro-bots that white America conditions you to be. 

Learn and grow or continue to exist in an oppressed and stagnated environment of lies and deceit. You are what you consume and digest..

Written by; Al DeVeaux Jr. Africafifth Registered & Protected LQOG-5GQI-AUS9-WRMP