Man I’ll tell you, I can’t recall how many times over the years I’d hear Black folks making statements like; the white man is holding me down or it’s a white man’s world and I’m just living in it or man I’m just surviving. I myself was even caught up in that same self-pity, and woe is me mindset of victimization The so-called white man is preventing me from doing this or that. Man, he has his foot pressing down so hard on my neck I barely breathe. Now, he does present us with some obstacles to get over but for the most part the so-called white man is not holding us down people, we are holding ourselves and each other down with that defeatist rhetoric.
Every time someone makes that statement they reinforce in themselves the misconception that they are powerless and aren’t capable of improving their situation. In essence they are adopting a mindset and attitude that handcuffs and shackles them before they even get started. This will eventually be embraced as a truth which becomes a crutch (excuse) that will place them in a state of perpetual limbo. An unconscious self-inflicted imprisonment in which they become complicit in their own inability to improve their situation.
It’s the same with education. I’m always hearing black folk say that school is a waste of time because it’s the so-called white man’s education. Hey I get it, all the lessons have been written and designed by the so call white majority and does not pertain to our culture. However if this is what is available and it is a spring-board to other opportunities then why not jump on it? It is incumbent upon us to take advantage of what is available and make the most of it as we self educate ourselves along the way. There is an abundance of information available to anyone who takes the time to search for it. The reason why most don’t is because it requires hard work, determination, discipline, and responsibility. We have far to many brothers and sisters who shy away from this pathway which leaves them content with making excuses and assigning blame on the so-called white man.
We have been wandering around with this misconceived notion that the white man owes us and is responsible for our unfortunate predicament. He is the culprit that has enslaved and oppressed our ancestors and oppresses us still to this day. Well, I’m gonna break some news to you people. The so-called white man doesn’t have to oppress us. The so-called white man just sits back and watches us self destruct as we have become the instruments of our own oppression and demise. We are the culprits who tear down each other and the environments in which we inhabit. We are the parents who allow our young people to drop out of schools and gravitate towards devious minded predatory gangs. We are the people who display and promote immoral lucid and indecent behavior in front of our babies.
We are the perpetrators of the negativity we experience that infests our culture such as shame, disrespect, rude behavior, selfishness, profanity, laziness, irresponsibility, self-doubt, self loathing, low self-esteem, incivility and etcetera. We are the culprits who denigrate the Black person who educates themselves and desires to articulate themselves in a coherent manner. We ostracize them, ridicule them, shun them and launch insults of being sellouts and acting like the so-called white man. We find fault with everyone else and expect our situation to improve by adhering to and embracing every thing that maligns our ability to make any progress. There are those of us who consider ourselves to be a true Black person because we talk and act Black. What the heck is that all about? I don’t recall any of our former great leaders acting and talking like a bunch of buffoons to be considered Black enough. I remember them to be very well-educated, respectable and well spoken people and since when did the prerequisite for being Black translate into being uneducated, ignorant and cannibalizing the English language?
Wake-up call people! You are the house Negro that is doing the so-called white man’s bidding. You have become so brainwashed that you have no cognitive idea whatsoever of the dark abyss of ignorance that you have plummeted into. You have become so psychologically damaged that you attempt to shame others who desire to rise up from that dark place, because of your inability to do so. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves for all the disrespect and shame you cast on the Black culture due to your lack of Black pride and Dignity.
Part of the mechanics of oppressing people is to pervert them to the extent that they become the instrument of their own oppression. From the book Brainwashed by Tom Burrell- excerpt by Kumasi / activist and former gang member…
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How can anyone expect to challenge anyone or anything when they have given up before they even get started? Look, I’m not discounting the fact that there are systematic obstacles in place that are designed to impede our progress and I also recognize that we have been and still are oppressed to some degree but not as much as we oppress ourselves. Yes, indeed this is a so-called white dominated world but it can only remain so if we allow it to. We possess the power to change it and I definitely will not succumb to being dominated by it. As far as I’m concerned this was our world before they arrived and I intend to carve out my place and leave my footprint on it.
The moral responsibility or compunction to accept ones share of accountability never factors into the equation but it is time that it did. This revelation is much to hard to bear and more than likely is probably one of the main reasons why the society we live in today and the relationships between the classes and more importantly ethnic groups experience a significant separation gap. People feel that they are flawless on the surface and will attempt to project a deceptive persona that may sometimes be construed as an air of superiority but beneath this exterior lays an entirely different person.
We are continuously pointing the finger at others instead of taking a look at what we are doing or not doing that exacerbates the problem. If my house is dirty should I not be the one to blame for its current condition. Also, should I not take the time to clean up my mess before I attempt to bring attention to another person’s mess? We are all to willing to ignore our own garbage and attempt to deflect attention away from it as opposed to disposing of it in the proper manner. Yes, it requires a great deal of work and sacrifice ( however, nothing ventured equals nothing gained ). This is an issue that has plagued us for far too long and whose time has come to end. It is incumbent upon us to be the change that we want and the change that we demand. If we are negligent in our duty and are not compelled to act then we will continue on this course and the ship will never be righted. The so-called white man is not going to do it for us people, never had and never will. We are the ones responsible for our present and our future. Generation after generation of our people are maligned with a defeatist and self-destructive mindset that is passed on to them. So the time has come to stop pointing the finger of blame, to stop suckling on the nipple of so-called white people and grow up.
Take responsibility for what we do and for what we do not do. We make the choices and we are the ones who act or do not act. Powerless or Powerful….
Written by; Al DeVeaux Jr.